Mississauga December Thread

i give it two not drunk enough thumbs up :tup: :tup:

thats why you get brains and eat the shawarmas at the same time :badboy:

:tup: WE HAVE A WINNAR! :tup:

Sandford Kelly’s MSP is nuts, period

Vids are where?

preppys site?


I have a bunch of Justin Vs. Sanford matches on my computer, and i am pretty sure sanford one them all. The only one i have from preppy’s site is that storm, sentinel, cable.

oh and that yipes vs. sanford is a must see too, alot of the stuff sanford does can also be seen in his matches againt jwong.

I don’t know how Jerris saw the vids already but anyway, the majority of people won’t have the necessary codec to watch it. I’ve re-encoded the video and am uploading to Preppy now so it should be done in a little while. There’s some really interesting stuff in there, though I don’t know if anyone outside of Bryan and Gerjay will be able to execute it.

MPEG-2 is kind of a bitch…

Meh its about 8 matches, yipes beats sanford.

5 matchs



that site has a pretty decent amount of videos there, i only watched the third strike so far.

Ok so theres a 4 cd sumurai champloo instrumental (and i mean inst. it aint no ost.) disc set that got released. Might be old, but its fuckin hot. Make sure to grab it, especailly if you ryme (ie roger).

I’ll see if they have it on my resnet.

I will be at EMTC today. Somebody go at least.

FUCK i wanted my rents to leave this weekend and throw a casual or something but their not, my dad has to work… WEAK!:tdown:

weak =[

my new schedule for school is fucking WEAKER =[

lessard: plz dont tell ppl casual if you arent sure its happening. not unless you hear from your parents “we’re going to the cottage this weekend”.
now we have half a day to figure out stuff to do, and since bundys a “saved man” i dont see his base happening this weekend.

edit: if nothing is happening, A PLAGUE ON BOTH YOUR HOUSES!!!

A plague on both your houses?!?!? Don’t go shakespearean on us.