Mississauga 2012 Thread

shit chokehold vs jing for superior sauga underdog?

Im always down to play AE but it seems that everyone lives on the opposite side of sauga then me lol, id be down to host casuals at my place every now and then but its kind of out of the way, I live down cawthra and lakeshore but would be willing to bus anywhere up to or Past square one





[LEFT]Team GOES + TorontoTopTiers presents Pub Night June 24 2012 @ Rebel’s Kilt, Hamilton, Ontario AE/MK - Sponsored by GDLK Apparel, 1up Games and POLARIS 26[/LEFT]

[LEFT]When: Sunday, June 24th, 2012[/LEFT]
Where: Rebel’s Kilt
298 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 1B1
Minors under the age of 18 will be required to wear a wristband

Venue Fee: $10 and you get $5 off your tab for drinks/food as well as 2 raffle tickets

Tournament Fees: $10 per game

Tournaments: AE2012 (360) and Mortal Kombat (PS3)

Prizes: 70/20/10 split

Rules: Double elimination
Best 2/3 matches
Winners/Losers/Grand Finals best 3/5 Matches
timers: 99 Second default

Schedule: 1:00PM - Doors Open + Sign ups begin
2:00PM - Registration closes
3:00PM - AE2012 Starts
4:00PM - Mortal Kombat Starts
** If there is left over time and interest UMVC3 may run on XBOX360

RAFFLE: $2 for 2 tickets, $4 for 5 tickets T-shirts from GDLK and 1up Games as well as a special retro console and of course 2 passes to Polaris 26!

Check out our sponsors:



My arcade stick has been acting up, I can’t jump forward or backwards it just won’t do anything, and on the input screen it shows I’m not holding up forward even when I hold it there.

Anyone know in Mississauga or Toronto where I can get someone to fix it?


Hey whats going on guys. I’m new to the tournament scene, just curious if there is a local place where people play in the GTA. I am also looking to run a tournament with a buddy of mine, but I want to start networking with the community first.


no really, stick has been fixed :slight_smile:


Anyone here live in the PC area? Or anywhere in dufferin peel, looking for some locals to habe casuals with from time to time

Hi i am new to the fighting scene. Just wondering what ppl plays these days and where?

if anyone wants to play AE today and has a place to play, can someone please PM me? Want to practice

I can play at my place but my room is really small and i only have 1 set up in it. I hav an AE 2012 pc set up downstairs but my brother is usualy on it. My room could probably only fit 4 people comfortably so not sure how useful it would be for friendlies

honestly if someone is willing to host at least 2-3 times a week i will come every time and help the scene level up. If there is any interest :frowning:

Anyone play marvel?

im interested in ae if someones hosting

Im down to have people at my place whenever, once again the only problem is i only have one setup in my room and its a pretty small room so it couldnt fit too many people, i can try to maybe move it too the basement so i could have more ppl there but once again, only one set up

i’ll pm you next week…approx what times are u down to host

Well i only work part time so its pretty random, usually its mornings but i dont have a schedule for work written in stone, so whenever im not working pretty much im always playing at home anyway unless im out with the gf or anything, but yeah i cant give a direct time daily but if there was a group of ppl that wanted to play i can definetly update everyone weekly to when il be working or not

what up sauga thread, anyone play: 3rd strike, or umvc3?