I got to play this at PAX and surprisingly it was really fun. The controls were really easy to use and it really kept you engaged and thinking about your next jump. definitely worth the money when it comes out.
This game isn’t gonna flop trust me. I was actually reading about this game in this month’s issue of EGM. They (DICE) actually took there time and did their research before releasing this game. It visually looks awesome and it has a different take on first-person action games. The game itself is based off parkour(art of movement) and I don’t know if any of you seen To Live Free or Die Hard but the guy doing all those acrobatics is a practitioner of the art. So, that should give you an idea of the game itself. Anyways, this game’s gonna be magnificent IMO. If anything less it will be one of those “great games no one ever played” type deal. Can’t wait for the demo.
yes i know about le parkour but any game that has try to push the envelope and create either a new genre or saught to redifine a particular genre has either been really good or been horrible. Im speaking in general this game has alot of good points and im sure if the developer takes there time it will be good if not and they try to half ass or rush it. It will flop big time
Same here. That bag was actually what pushed me to the point of getting the game. I was just ready to rent it or something else but now I’m glad that I’ve pre-ordered it.
man, my Gamestop isn’t getting it until Wednesday and it comes out tomorrow. They’re lucky as hell I want that damn bag otherwise I’d just grab it at walmart or whatever place has it tomorrow.
Instead of making a new thread, I will just use this one. Catalyst is out and so far I am enjoying it. Any early thoughts so far? Of course the story seems bad and the characters are kinda meh but what do you expect when Saarkensian was brought in for character development. Running is a blast though and most of my time is just spent traversing the rooftops.