Mika Matchup: Survival Mode

Every time a new outfit comes in, I’m going to need a place to reference this otherwise useless information… /salt

General Guide to Survival tactics, applicable to every character you want to grind.



More specific to Mika: This video shows is a flaw in the AI that you can exploit. It works any time an AI would auto-jump to avoid your throw, typically found with Hard and higher difficulty AI.



Here is a video raw fights 1-50



Modes / Characters:

Survival Easy

[details=Spoiler]Fight Difficulties
Survival Easy:
Very Easy 1-2
Easy Medium 3-8
Medium 9-10

So easy mode is just that, easy. If you are having trouble at this mode I would recommend 3 practice drills for training mode.
1 - combo s.mp f.mp xx passion press dash back charged s.hk ex peach combo. Also do this when they are close to the wall, just remove the back dash from the list.
2 - combo charged s.hk stomp chop (s.lk xx s.mp) mp peach
3 - record a dummy Ryu to “on recovery” do a s.jab. Make sure when it records the jab that it shows the red “reversal” signal, this lets you know it is being done as soon as possible. Then knock down the dummy and practice s.mp as the dummy gets up so that you beat the jab. Also practice Lady Mika (f.hp) with the same timing.

Now in the game mode do a s.hk stomp chop mp peach to start, when you knock them down dash forward and do the s.mp timing so they cannot attack when they get up, but don’t just s.mp, do your combo s.mp f.mp passion press s.hk ex peach combo to get them to the wall. Once they are in the wall just repeat Lady Mika (f.hp) on wake up, followed by the c.mp reset (hit them as they come down) and really just repeat this until they are dead, the AI will not stop you.

Remember the last 2 fights are at a bit higher difficulty. Try to finish round 8 with high health and buy defense up for the last 2 rounds if you need. During those last 2 fights watch for your opening to do the s.hk combo.[/details]

Survival Medium

[details=Spoiler]If you go through Survival Easy, then you’ll find most of Survival Medium is just more of the same. Feel free to buy Attack Boosts through the early stages to speed up the run. I wouldn’t worry about any Double Down here, as you generally won’t be stressed on points before this set is over.

The main thing to watch for are the last few fights where the difficulty is turned up a bit more. Try to cap out your heatlh around fight 24-25 and don’t get too ballsy on 29 and 30.

For the 29 Necalli and 30 M.Bison fight I found they could be easily lead around. Basically you would back up and wait for them to move around and come to you. Once they are coming to you, you can jump forward and do a simple jump in combo. For Necalli you don’t want to push a lot on wake up, so I would advise just looping this rather than eating any of his reversals, especially since you get 1 health up before the final fight. For Bison, who does not have strong reversals, I recommend pressuring hard with meaty jump in attacks. These tend to clean him out really quick.

Fight Difficulties
Very Easy 1-5
Easy Medium 6-10, 16-20
Medium 11-15, 21-25
Medium Hard 26-30

Fight Order
Very Easy
1 - Laura
2 - R.Mika
3 - Birdie
4 - Ken
5 - Dhalsim
Easy Medium
6 - Karin
7 - F.A.N.G.
8 - Cammy
9 - Rashid
10 - Chun-Li
11 - Vega
12 - Ryu
13 - Zangief
14 - Nash
15 - Laura
Easy Medium
16 - R.Mika
17 - Birdie
18 - Ken
19 - Dhalsim
20 - Karin
21 - Cammy
22 - F.A.N.G.
23 - Rashid
24 - Chun-Li
25 - Vega
Medium Hard
26 - Ryu
27 - Zangief
28 - Nash
29 - Necalli
30 - M.Bison[/details]

Hard Survival

[details=Spoiler]I am going to be putting a bit more time into survival, so I’ll fill this out with some character specific tips as I work through it. If anyone has any character specific tips, or difficulty specific tips, please share :slight_smile:

Fight Difficulty
Easy Medium 1-5
Medium 6-10, 16-20
Medium Hard 11-15, 21-30
Hard 31-40
Very Hard 41-45
Hardest 46-50

Fight Order
Easy Medium
1 - R.Mika
2 - Vega
3 - Ken
4 - Dhalsim
5 - Rashid
6 - Zangief
7 - Nash
8 - Birdie
9 - Karin
10 - Necalli
Medium Hard
11 - Cammy
12 - F.A.N.G.
13 - Ryu - brimstone throw loop
14 - M.Bison - back first
15 - Chun-Li - target combo cross up loop
16 - Laura - brimstone throw loop
17 - Ken - body slam cross up loop
18 - Zangief - target combo cross up loop
19 - Necalli - target combo cross up loop
20 - F.A.N.G.
Medium Hard
21 - Dhalsim
22 - Birdie
23 - Ryu - brimstone throw loop
24 - Ken - body slam cross up loop
25 - Karin - ??
26 - R.Mika
27 - Cammy
28 - Laura - brimstone throw loop
29 - Chun-Li - target combo cross up loop
30 - Vega
31 - Nash - ?? no cross up
32 - Rashid
33 - M.Bison
34 - Birdie
35 - Ken
36 - Dhalsim
37 - Cammy
38 - Nash
39 - Rashid
40 - Karin
Very Hard
41 - Ryu
42 - Laura
43 - Birdie
44 - R.Mika
45 - Zangief
46 - Birdie
47 - Vega
48 - F.A.N.G.
49 - M.Bison
50 - Necalli[/details]

Survival Hell:

[details=Spoiler]Honestly - I’ve not touched this yet. I will fill this out with a Character Order, but most of the advise in the Hard mode should be applicable here. There are no color rewards, just a title. You could pick up Ryu or Ken and scrub your way through this without bothering Mika about it haha :slight_smile:

Medium 1-6, 9, 12, 17-21, 28, 30-32, 39-40, 42-43, 49-53
Medium Hard 7-8, 13-16, 22-26, 33-38, 44-48, 59-64, 70-74
Hard 10-11, 27, 29, 41, 54-58, 65-69, 79-84
Very Hard 75-78, 85-96
Hardest 97-100

You fight more Hardest level cpu in Hard mode (5) than in Hell mode (4).

If anyone wants to map out the character order for me for this mode, I would appreciate it. I used up a lot of work time mapping the Hard haha ^_^[/details]