Mika Matchup: Ken

This series of threads is all about counter play. I will update the first post to always have the most relevant information of the entire thread, so please share what you know :slight_smile:

Here are my notes from testing Ken’s V-Trigger and run cancels.
Frame Advantage after V-Trigger Cancels on Block**

[] St.MP xx VT: +3
] Cr.MK xx VT: -3
[] St.HP xx VT: +5
] Cr.HP xx VT: +3
[] St.HK xx VT: +2
] Cr.HK xx VT: Neutral
[] B.MP xx VT: +1
] Hold V-Skill xx VT: At least +7
[] Point blank st.HP xx HP Hadouken xx VT: At least +14
] SRK xx VT: -5
Frame Advantage after Run Cancels on Block**

[] St.HP xx VS: -5
] Cr.HP xx VS: -10
[] Cr.MK xx VS: -11
] St.MP xx VS: -6
[] Cr.MP xx VS: -7
] St.MK xx VS: -9
[] St.HK xx VS: -9
] Cr.HK xx VS: -11
[*] B.MP xx VS: -8
