Mighty No. 9 - Keiji Inafune's Next Mega Man

My wallet.

Now if only Makoto Ikehara and Tatsuya Yoshikawa would come to Inafune with some ideas on a new Breath of Fire after this. Then all would be right with the world. I wonder what an alternative name for it would be though?

As Mega Man is essentially a clone of Astro Boy anyway, I think Inafune is fine.

this sounds like last weeks episode of breaking bad
but more videogame-ey

I just realized. The release window for this is around spring 2015? fuuuuck that’s a long ass time. Also, over 212K on the first day is mighty swift. At this speed, the goal will be made in no time. Those mystery stretch goals though.

I think the stretch goals are more stages and console releases.

dinner with keiji inafune? what if u dont speak japanese? u just suppose to stare at him? HAWHAW lul

So basically in a nutshell:

Isn’t that what dinner is all about?

Lol It’s Keiji Inafune… You better learn! If not possible… You better appreciate his presence! Smile and nod.

Isnt he a multi-millionaire tho?

You would think with his resources he wouldnt NEED the money, even though it seems pretty apparent he wants fan input.

SRK should do a side fundraiser to buy a couple of those 2.5k “create a character” things.

Let’s just give him this:


As far as I understand it, even people with a lot of money don’t want to be sole backers of big projects, in case something gets seriously fucked up and it ends up costing the company a huge chunk of change.

Same reason Richard Garriot did a fundraiser for his game, despite being one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet.

It’s not good business to the sole investor in a creative project.

If the game looks anything like that picture in the OP, I think I found the first game that might legit distract me from GTA V (I know this is slated for 2015 but GTA MMOnline = 2014 bodied)

Has there been a Burn Man before? :rofl:

Oh man, I’m so hype for this! Inafune got tired of Megaman getting the short end of the stick so he decided to build a better robot. So many shots are fired at Capcom and it’s not even intentional, Inafune just loves his character.

Hey, close enough! :rofl:

Hasn’t even been 12 hours yet and 1/3 of the goal has been reached… That’s crazy.

…im worried capcom could potentially sue. its kinda clear its a rip off.

are you really that surprised?


It raised 1/3 of it’s goal on day fucking one. Capcom, I hope your paying attention right now.

@Hawkingbird: One thing I’ve learned about Capcom, is that they do NOT learn lessons

It does mention that an interpreter will be there - and that dinner is on Keiji…hotel and air fare is on you though - but I guess that’s no biggie if you got 10k to throw away.