This is (probably) the last post I’m going to make in this thread. So I guess I’ll end it with this. I don’t care if anyone reads this.
@ThePurpleBunny You stupid jerk. Yup, the US government would NEVER attack its own people for nefarious reasons ― even though there are documents to prove it. Operation Northwoods was the precursor to 9/11. Yup, they would never attack their own. They won’t lie to you either. Nope. And they always play fair and by the rules. They are always good and righteous. Yup :tup: … :tdown:
Operation Northwoods Documents
9/11 & Iraq WMD LIES
George Carlin & Conspiracy Theorists
This goes out to all you stupid ignorant sheeple. You know who you are.
[*] “I lied to get elected. Lying to get elected doesn’t make me any different from anyone else who has acquired a position of power in this government. You see, every other politician lies and promises to take care of you and fight for you and give you goodies, in order to trick you into giving him power. But despite the noble intentions they put on for show, all politicians have only one goal: To be the ones holding the reigns of this control machine.”
[] “I have a few things to tell you that you probably aren’t going to want to hear. Shut up and listen.”
[] “This thing you call government, this god that you pray to, to solve all the problems in your life, this pretended protector and savior, this stinking heap of anti-human oppression that you so eagerly subjugate yourselves to. If anything was ever the epitome of pure evil, this is it. **Trouble is, most of you are too stupid to see it. **You still worship it, pay tribute to it (taxes) and allow it to chain you, shackle you, control you and monitor you.”
[*] “Instead of thinking for yourselves, you’re constantly clamoring for some new leader to save and protect you. Your cowardice and irresponsibility built this monster. It commands and you OBEY like good little slaves. And worst of all, you hold up your unthinking obedience as a virtue. You believe it makes you good people ― it doesn’t. It makes you stupid robots.”
[*] "You’ll eagerly flock to the next lying politician who promises to take care of you. Throw away your freedom to the next political conman who promises you security, and you will reap the rewards of your own ignorance."
[*] “I can’t save you from your addiction to subservience and I don’t intend to try, but there are some of us, however few, who actually want freedom. Who’d rather face an uncertain world as responsible adults, than live as slaves in a cage. As for the rest of you, all you have to do is stay out of our way. If you insist on putting shackles on yourselves, be my guest, but you will no longer put them on those of us who choose to be free.”
[*] “Hooray for the pathetic, washed-up, hypocritical, falling apart, slave state that is the United States of America ☭United Socialist States of Amerika卐 Exactly what is it about this sheep pasture that you think is still worth celebrating? What the hell do you think that flag represents anymore? What the hell are you proud of? Proud to live in the country with the most intrusive, obnoxious, abusive tax collectors in the world? Proud to live in a country that has a higher percentage of people in prison than any other country in the world? Proud to be ruled by a government that has started and perpetuated more military conflicts in more areas of the world than any other in history? Proud to live in a country where the politicians and bankers have seen to it that you, your children and your children’s children will forever be their indentured servants, to be forever herded and fleeced like sheep?”
The United Socialist States of America (USSA)
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP)[/details]
[*] “Proud to live in a country where the biggest slimeballs on the planet tell you what you can eat, what you can drink, what you can drive, what you can build, where you can work, what you can produce and what you can think?”
[*] “When July 4th rolls around and you’re all swigging your beer and waving your flags, does the fact that we are infinitely less free than we ever were under British rule ever make its way into what’s left of your brains?”
[*] “Hooray, the land of the free, where half of what you earn gets swiped by politicians. Where you fall for every crisis the liars in DC throw at you. They create problem after problem: war, recession, terrorism, poverty, crime, disease, environmental disaster, and you are such well trained sheep that time and time again you demand your own enslavement as the solution.”
[*] "Two hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin told you that those who would choose temporary security over essential liberty deserve neither. Well you did and now you have neither, and it’s just what you deserve. You look to the biggest crooks in the world to be your all-powerful saviors and now you’re paying the price. I know first-hand how easy you are to deceive and manipulate. You elected me because I pitched the same lies all the parasites in this town do, only I did it more convincingly and with a slightly slicker presentation.
I promised to save you from the economic depression that the government caused. I promised to save you from the wars that the government caused. I promised to save you from the crime that the government caused. I promised to save you from the terrorism that the government caused. I promised you: if you would just accept me as your master and give me control of your lives, that I would save you from all the scary things that you can imagine ― real or made up. And while I was duping you, I was also convincing the “powers that be”, the people who run this whole show behind the scenes, that I would make a good stooge from them, that I would be a good puppet and dance to their tune. Otherwise I never would have even been on the ballot."
[] “You voted for me because it comforts you to have someone tell you that if you’ll only bow to him and give him unlimited power, he will make all your problems go away. That is the lie you always fall for ― that if you just find the right leader, he can make the world a safe happy place. But that’s never their intention and that’s never what they do. They make the world a scary, dangerous place to ensure that you will forever remain dependent upon them and their so called “solutions”, and you keep applauding them as they commit the worst of atrocities, based on what they say are the best of motives.”
[] “…why is it that you fail to notice the damage done by the government’s so-called “solutions”? Haven’t you noticed what government welfare has done to the poor, reducing millions of people to stupid empty shells without purpose and without hope? Haven’t you noticed that the government schools crank out millions of ignorant kids, whose one lasting talent is the ability to mindlessly do as they’re told? Haven’t you noticed that the government’s economic “solutions” ― from “Socialist Redistribution (of Wealth)” to the fraudulent banking system and its fake money, have impoverished this once prosperous nation? Haven’t you noticed that everything the government touches turns to shit? …why have you not noticed that every time you entrust these challenges to rulers and masters, they end up enslaving the poor, oppressing the innocent and empowering the wicked. Are you just profoundly unobservant, or is it something worse than that? Why else would you continue to fall for the blatantly ridiculous lies that all of the politicians keep telling? **None of them ever meant a word they said. They all had one goal ― to rule you. But you never caught on. They kept feeding you a choice between two slimeball crooks. One colored red and one colored blue. And you kept proving that you were too stupid to see through the scam. You kept advocating your own enslavement, unable to comprehend the possibility that you might have to power to do something other than just choosing one of two tyrants to run your lives.”
[] “And I’m not expecting to talk you out of your illusions here. These days I’d be more likely to get converts out of a herd of lemmings than out of the American public.”
[] “No I’m not here to stop you from enslaving yourselves, I’m here to stop you from enslaving that minuscule minority of Americans who still understand what freedom is and who still yearn for it. Amazingly, despite the constant authoritarian (or totalitarian) indoctrination, cranked out by the so-called education system and the media in this country, there are still a few people here who value freedom. You’ve head of them. They’re the people you love to despise and insult. They’re the kooks, the extremists, the people who won’t “get with the program” or “go with the flow”. They’re the black sheep whom you look upon with scorn for wanting to step out of the shearing line. They don’t fit in, they’re the lunatic fringe, they’re not like you. No, they’re not like you. They dare to state the truth, you don’t. They can think and you can’t.”
[*] “Every inch of progress in history has been their doing and they’ve had to constantly fight upstream against all the insults, condemnation and outright violence which the dull-witted majority made up of people like you has thrown at them. They ended slavery while people like you sat idle. They put an end to women being treated like animals, while people like you called them names. They spoke out against the injustices of regime after regime, while the supposedly good citizens just quietly did as they were told. They resisted the warmongering of this country and countless others, while people like you either condoned or turned a blind eye to mass murder (9/11). They put themselves in harms way for the sake of truth and justice, while people like you quietly avoided making waves.”
[*] “No, they are not like you, those extremists and radicals. They have taken on the responsibility of being human beings, while you have remained content to be stupid animals.”