MGTOW Chronicles:Men Going Their Own Way

A little something for your Monday from the one and only JDB.


I really fuck with JDB. Mostly because heā€™s not afraid to call out all the issues within the black community.

Hereā€™s another JDB joint for July 4th. Kind of fitting that it should fall on Independence day, considering what one of the driving principles of this thread is.

Yep. Not only does he call it out, he calls it correctly and will not apologize to the people who get hurt and offended by it.


Another one from the MGTOW philosopher. This really simplifies what MGTOW is and why.


hereā€™s another video from MGTOW Philosopher. Enjoy.


Well, a week agoā€¦This happened.

Yeah. Itā€™s really THAT Tom Leykis.


Go MGTOW, or at the very least know that you could be dealing with this every time you smash. Just sayin.


ā€œWomen are staying single and without kids.ā€ Then DO IT. Your mouth is open, but I donā€™t see you steppin.


a little cause and effect for you gents. Hereā€™s the effect.

Now what do you think is the cause? :rofl:

Hereā€™s one excerpt from that article that draws my ire:

Translation: We canā€™t rob anyoneā€™s pockets without the legal hooks of the marriage license, so we need some new laws that will let us legally do it.

The problem there being that the second you do, guys are going to start locking their doors and not even letting women set foot on their property. in some cases that is already how things are.

Being blood-sucking leeches has worked for a lot of years, but the cows are gone and new ones arenā€™t showing up. As Iā€™ve said time and again: Get greedy, Get Got.


I stumbled across this vid in my travels upon the net. For you men suffering under the thrall of the family courts, Hit the fucking button and listen up!!

If you cannot get justice, Perhaps Revenge will suffice.


ā€œ7 dangerous anti-feminist groupsā€. :rofl:


what is common law.

Also fuck these people

Iā€™m not sure of a textbook definition, but I know if the person has been living with you for three or more months, has mail coming to the residence in question, and/or pays rent there, then itā€™s a wrap. Once they try that, Iā€™m sure there will be a lot of chicks having to listen to this song.


This was way funnier than it should be been. It basically reinforces the fact that feminists almost always talk out of their ass.

Oh theyā€™re not done yet.

Now weā€™re white supremacists and these,ā€œHorrible white men are the reason why the black family unit are falling apart.ā€

I oughta spam the gif again, but nah. Iā€™m sure everybody is already laughing at these fools enough.


So according to that article black women have convinced themselves that MGTOW is a secret plan by white people to run the black race to extinction by brainwashing the men to stop fucking with the women.

My head hurts.

somehow, some way, itā€™s out to get them. :rofl:

I hope they get to read this.


its extra funny when you realize that planned parenthood is actually a meme used by feminists to keep the black population in check and keep them from becoming a bigger voting block.


Its extra funny when you realize that the modern welfare state and feminism has done more to destroy the balck family than a bunch of dudes who donā€™t idolize or care about pussy


anybody here noticing the trend in the MSM, in which they are focusing on sexbots and that men arenā€™t slaving away in 40 hour jobs to provide for some vapid used up whore?

yep. Been noticing the uproar over rise of the robo-geishas. Thereā€™s a few articles Iā€™ve posted here over the past few pages worthy of laughing at if you find your weekend dragging. I keep hoping that sooner or later theyā€™ll figure out that men arenā€™t the problem anymore and go to work on the true troubles. If not, donā€™t expect to see these men returning to work anytime soon.


In case you wondered why MGTOW are MGTOW:
