Like honestly all you need is to have assailants do the rape kit thing
That is all you need.
To mark all women as vindictive and soul stealing is like marking all muslims as terrorists.
It is not a good look.
In india rape is under reported because of the stigma people would rather it not shame their family.
To go around and say “well look at these lies” that is some shit considering women can be raped in small rural areas and still stay quiet. It is only within the last 5 years where women in india have been able to stand up for themselves because india is a repressive country.
But hey go ahead and throw women under the bus
You think any news opposing your viewpoint is good news
And pua haven’t really figured out the game. The people that treat women or men just as objectives to overcome have not “figured out the game”
Pick up artist are mostly douchebag bros that get girls drunk and then try to take advantage of them bein inebriated
That is not the game
Sex is not the game
Relationships are not the game
Just because you are a bitter, single, lonely, and/or have a grudge to completely dismiss rape or the possibility of rape is some shit
But hey equality is all well and good. The hate and fear mongering of mgtow videos is hilarious and pathetic.
Letting rejection get you to the point of saying
“I know reallity! Men are slaves to women! Rise against it”
It just comes off as stupid diatribe
But hey what do i know? I mean news and polls that conflict with your views are fake news right?
You have alternative facts.
I bet brock turner is a hero to some folks