MGTOW Chronicles:Men Going Their Own Way

Feminists do that. A LOT. MGTOW men are simply saying,“no” to being their babysitter.


When I first heard it, I thought it was a new Russian fighter jet.


I imagine having to say SCUBA keeps you constantly triggered then.


I doubt that. Guys on here worship vagina. To no end. You know this because they don’t hold women responsible for their actions. They state simply that women are crazy.

MGTOW doesn’t exactly bar you from smashing a chick every now and then. It’s just not doing shit with women that society expects from you i.e marriage, dating, having children, etc. At least that’s how I’m seeing it.

you date a woman on your terms…she isnt “entitled” to anything from a man cause she’s a woman and you dont conform to her B.S if your happiness or well being isn’t paramount and dont be scared to walk away from a woman if she doesnt conform to what your idea of a relationship is or what it is your looking for out of her…cause theres a woman somewhere that will… we are the commodity not them… shes not the special snowflake the media has brainwashed her to think she is. a woman will show up with a laundry list of prerequisites a man needs before she will consider him husband material and expects us to bend our reality to make those things so, but will not do the same to attract or keep a man. being a sexual object, simply “existing”, and waiting for prince charming until they get old isnt cutting it anymore…men are waking up.

being TRP or MGTOW does not equal being celibate or in “monk mode”, although sometimes a temporary state of such may be a part of the journey. alot of times, you have to unplug from the over sexualization of our society to adopt that abundance mindset.

that’s too bad i’m already in the kitchen and cooking if they want their spots back they gonna have to fight me for it

Sounds like someone speaking Klingon…

MGTOW sounded like a military vehicle to me.

I thought you were the man in your relationships, though. :coffee:

Some chicks I wouldn’t even let anywhere near the kitchen.

Dates and relationships are something women need more than men.

Most guys I know it’s the same, hangout with a chick, have sex, move on.

It’s the girl almost all the time then that tries to find you and keep contacting you and thinks hanging out is a “date” and that having sex means that the girl is anything other than a whore. If a chick wants to be seen as anything more than a whore, then she is going to have to earn it. Though most guys are so free to most women that they can still think otherwise, but a lot of guys are finally getting more intelligent nowadays.

Anyways, best thing to do is to just tell the chicks you are busy with work and not give them any attention and the older the chick, the quicker she will move on before a woman’s stock only goes down as she ages.

All the best cooks in the world are men :coffee:

I cannot resist…

It’s funny because it sounded as if he almost said MGTOW at one point.


Initialisms aren’t meant to be read as words. People trying to say them like they are acronyms is always awkward and stupid.

My comment was subtle innuendo referencing his orientation, lol.

Sleazoid is pretty much the coolest gay cat on SRK since TGTC.

I don’t know how this post escaped my notice.



Now for something that isn’t as funny:

Rape culture ladies. Get dat ass ready.


So what made you choose “Deadly Raver” as a screen name?
Are you like, a raving lunatic with a rusty screwdriver…or like, do you hand out suspicious pills at warehouse raves or something…or maybe you aerial rave people to death?