MGTOW Chronicles:Men Going Their Own Way

Daboog, why do you care?

I’m married and I love you MGTOW guys. No homo though. I was one of you until I met my waifu.

It’s not a meltdown. It just does not make sense. You are just doing what any normal dude would do after a breakup. Instead replacing rebound fucks with fleshlights.

Like it is a big deal to forget bitches and remember money

It makes plenty of sense. There’s tons of videos in this very thread explaining their reasonings. You may not agree/like/hold those reasons for yourself, but it makes sense just fine.

Angry white guy rambling with tucked in underarmor shirt

Dude leykis101 raised me if you fuckheads weren’t lucky enough back then. I pity you.

What? If you think it’s dumb, then it’s not for you, that’s all there is to it lol

Pretty sure you can be married and still be MGTOW.

From what I see it’s about informing people of what’s happening, which can be helpful regardless at which point in their life a person is.

dab00g raging might be due to him having some problems in real life and maybe he can use some MGTOW advice himself.

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Really you should be acquiring money for yourself. If you fuck up your financials it is your fault.

This is why john cena has bitches sign 175 page contracts to live in his house and be with him. I mean cena cheated on his first wife, got divorced and she got nothing from him.

Cena is a man among men

I mean the Rock’s ex wife is cucking for him as his manager.

The whole red pill blue pill shit just sounds like excuses.

If you own yourself nobody can take advantage of you.

And besides it’s not like a sexless creep like starhammer has much to offer.

Which looks like a basis of this movement is you don’t need to be a catch.

Like come the fuck on

As if you need another reminder of why they say AWALT…

That’s how men end up wearing T-Shirts saying shit like,“I’d rather be buried than married.”


Eh my view’s quite simple.

I enjoy single life, I pack every second of my time with my work, my hobbies and my friends and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything, nor do I want to give any of my current life up.

I fail to see what is wrong with this but I do think it would be wrong for me to enter a relationship whilst I feel like this just to appear “normal”, it would leave both me and the other party unsatisfied and that would be being a shitty person.

just cuck my shit up - Brandon Fraischer as George in the Jungle 2016

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I noticed one thing was missing from your speech. In particular, What men want. Just sayin. I could take the scalpel to the rest of it, but why bother? You’re probably just troll bros with boog.


“Guys take my advice and be around shitty people!”

Uh…I don’t want people tying to steal from.mme and stab me in the back. That sounds like a shifty situation to be in.

In what universe is that a desirable outcome?.

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How can someone who doesn’t even want a wife be cucke…

Nah fuck all that shit, ain’t got time to be arguing with some dumbfuck who can’t even keep his lame trolling attempts coherent.

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Is that what kids call “doing it right” these days?