If it’s over for me then I do not deserve to live in a world of superior men.
It won’t doe, since I do know how to do half those things and as a kid I did experience a minor war zone for a couple of weeks. Once you learn, as a 10 year old, to crawl on the floor to move trough the house, never peek outside windows and sleep to the sound of helicopters and bullets, it becomes mundane. As a kid you do not realize the consequences or the dangers that are happening around you, but at the same time the defense mechanisms are built into you.
Back on topic doe, if history serves as a reminder, we are survivors and the strong will make it out, while the weak, neckbeards, feminazis and shit will come crawling on their knees for their precious comfort and safe zones.
That’s the problem at the moment. We are too comfortable. Bitches have nothing to complain about, life is too good, so when there’s no drama, what do women do? They invent drama, they invent shit like “manspreading” and “mansplaining”. Hey bitch, how about you go in Saudi Arabia and fight a real fight for the women who are treated like animals? Nah, that’s too hard, better write my blog about how some guy raped me by looking at me. Fuck outta here!
I should really avoid this thread as it brings nothing but hate outta me. LoL!