MGTOW Chronicles:Men Going Their Own Way

If it’s over for me then I do not deserve to live in a world of superior men.

It won’t doe, since I do know how to do half those things and as a kid I did experience a minor war zone for a couple of weeks. Once you learn, as a 10 year old, to crawl on the floor to move trough the house, never peek outside windows and sleep to the sound of helicopters and bullets, it becomes mundane. As a kid you do not realize the consequences or the dangers that are happening around you, but at the same time the defense mechanisms are built into you.

Back on topic doe, if history serves as a reminder, we are survivors and the strong will make it out, while the weak, neckbeards, feminazis and shit will come crawling on their knees for their precious comfort and safe zones.

That’s the problem at the moment. We are too comfortable. Bitches have nothing to complain about, life is too good, so when there’s no drama, what do women do? They invent drama, they invent shit like “manspreading” and “mansplaining”. Hey bitch, how about you go in Saudi Arabia and fight a real fight for the women who are treated like animals? Nah, that’s too hard, better write my blog about how some guy raped me by looking at me. Fuck outta here!

I should really avoid this thread as it brings nothing but hate outta me. LoL!

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Another from Howard Dare. Listen and learn.

and another one.


I’ve been reading more and more about MGTOW and I agree with it for the most part. The part that I don’t understand is why there is such a big misconception about it. Why do most people think all MGTOWs are people who are either bitter or just cant get laid? The numbers are there so how can you not see that men are placed at a huge disadvantage when it comes to relationships let alone marriage?

The only thing that kind of worries me about the whole thing is that some people could use “going their own way” as an reason to cut themselves off from women and/or society completely.

I think society in general wants to shame men into falling into line after taking step after step to make it negative to do so. I did pretty well career wise and you’d be surprised how many women have approached me knowing full well I am married offering to be the best wifey ever. Women love to whore about, but once it comes time to start a family they need a real provider and because less and less men become that it creates a minefield for the few men that really are high achievers. Most of the guys who make it that far understand the game of life well enough to not get tricked, but every once in a while you see a guy get gamed out of 30% of his income because he caught feelings for a woman who “accidentally” got pregnant.

Pay attention to who the primary antagonists are, and the type of language they use to shame dudes who refuse to waste time on low quality women. Also, to the layman who doesn’t care about his present and future finaces, this movement is not normal, therfore only scorned losers or virgins who never got any would subscribe to it becasue pussy is that great. It doesn’t help that MGTOW uses language in a poor way that only pushes outsiders away, but why should MGTOW men care to begin with given the context of their message and how they reject the established social norms?

Another big factor is that people can’t entertain ideas without embracing them, so just the idea of not chassing pussy because most of it isn’t worth it, is equivocal to saying all women are shit. Ironic given the fact that most people who loathe MGTOW are left leaning folk, and lose their shit when people make the same arguments regarding minority issues…

insert horseshoe here

If a guy disagrees with MGTOW but agrees with WGTOW then you know where they stand. Its not that difficult. Fuck bitches, keep your money safe and defended. Simple. All that other nonsense don’t entertain.

since when did WGTOW become a thing?

Wgtow is those mexican or black bitches who go lesbian and make her gf the new daddy

Sounds more like ugly/fat bitches that can’t get a man so they go lesbian. Still laughable.

If you look closely, the major ones against it are the cause of the misconception. They don’t want people to know the truth, that a lot of men, far more than you’ll get to hear about in the media, are sick and tired of the way things are and have gone away from it. Seeing no other suitable answer, many of these men have opted to not participate with women, in relationships, or in some cases, not even in society. As is typical, they would rather mock these men rather than understand. “They must be gay.” “Some woman must have hurt you” and the ever popular,“You can’t get no pussy” are some of the favorite go to buzzwords. This used to work in the past, but no longer. The problem is, this doesn’t make MGTOWs get back in line, it does the opposite and actually confirms what many of these men think. Men realize that they are being treated badly and are fighting back. You’ve probably seen some of the results of this. Fewer and fewer marriages, plummeting birthrates, and a lot of,“Where have all the good men gone?” chants. There’s plenty of videoclips in this thread alone explaining much of what MGTOW is, so dig in. of course, the website is another place that you can learn from other members. That’s my shortened version. I hope it helps.


Here’s a videoclip I found with Oshay Duke Jackson giving us sound advice against being a S.I.M.P. If you don’t know what that stands for, it is Sucker Idolizing Mediocre Pussy. Have a listen, then share with your friends.


As has often been said in MGTOW disscusions, women fail the cost - benefit test. Here, one man has put it into the best video I’ve seen.


Blah, mgtow don’t make any sense as a movement

“Get a real doll or flesh light, then go off on your own”

Now men’s rights activists can point at something and say “we aren’t sexless losers like these guys”

That’s what mgtow come off as sexless loser club angry that nobody wants then

Then it bleeds in with the whole “let’s all be white and praise white people” because a lot of these mgtow videos are angry middle aged white guys talking about shit “it used to be that a woman would obey” on some bullshit

Then you got black guys talking about completely disregarding black women

Like it is fine and dandy to have your beliefs, but just know this mgtow is a joke.

At least be No Ma’am and be that guy. Instead you all seem like guys who are pretty much bitches because a lot of women rejected or hurt you.

Men’s rights is about custody, fighting against the bias in rape trials, and of course divorce proceedings. And equality.

Mgtow is about “fuck women you ever try a tenga egg?”

I know that guys in this mindset are going “fuck societal norms! I am my own man”

Yeah that makes you a loner, a recluse, but why is that something you need to label

The mgtow stuff will never be a movement, just an excuse to normalize your loner status by having you be “part” of some shit that isn’t a real club.

It’s a “club” of angry loners and people who think society tells them to be “these things”

When in reality society does not give a shit what you do

Shit the more losers that don’t want to fuck with women and are spending all their doe on thai trannies the better. That just leaves more instagram hoes for the rest of us.


What he says.

What I see.


Daboogers just so incredibly insecure the only way he knows to lift himself up is to crap on other people.

Thats all.

LOL!!! I just saw your custom tag. Quite possibly my favorite quote to use in life in general.

Not really sure what to say about WGTOW that isn’t already obvious. It’s basically women saying the relationship equivalent of,“You can’t fire me because I QUIT!!” Which would be perfectly fine with me. Don’t want to play the game? Don’t. That’s the one of the basic ideas behind MGTOW in the first place. I can’t really tell you anymore about WGTOW because I simply don’t care enough to learn about them.


Lol, daboog having a meltdown over something that doesn’t even effect him.