Hmm, okay I understand, and I like the way his new body actually has story relevance and that they didn’t just completely ignore his old armor.
So he needed to work for a Private Military Corporation in order to pay the bills (makes sense as the world still runs on war), and in a mission he got fucked up free and got his white armor body massacred, thus the need for the new body. Also using Zandatsu with story relevancy as well, saying he has to keep taking energy from other bodies in order to keep the black armor functioning.
I wont be shocked at all if Cyborg Solidus is the/a boss in MGSR or if we end up doing butt naked cartwheels again. but this time… he’s butt naked chopping up helicopters.:eek: RIP heli pilot guy. :oops:
Fuck that dude that shot him out of the sky. Ole hating ass, cause he didn’t get invited to the bar ass dude.
Everybody that helped Leon got killed. He must be cursed. I wonder how many are going to die in RE6. I don’t even think the helicopter pilot made it out of the trailer. lol
Rebecca, Jill, Ashley, Claire, Sherry, Barry, Josh. They all still in there. Leon and Chris aren’t Casshern or some shit, it’s just usually a bad idea to be a helicopter pilot in a horror series (note though in RE5, the least horror of the series, the helicopter pilot lives!).