Messed up replays?

Sorry if this has been asked or anything before, but my friend recently lent me his memory card, so I was like, “Okay, why don’t we have some matches and I’ll record them.” So we had some, recorded em, and watched one. And at first it was going alright, but at one point in the match, both characters stand still for like, 10 seconds, and then start doing LKs and stuff! And after rewatching it, I realized that in the replay, the move that normally would have finished me off whiffed for some reason, and the characters just sat there doing nothing until the time ran out…and of course, that didn’t actually happen in the real match. It’s really weird, and it only happens on some of our replays. Anyone know why this happens?

Yeah, when me and a friend were watching our replays something similar happened. What gives?

its a glitch

Dammit, that sucks. No way to prevent it?

Yeah…the memory card glitches up while reading your inputs. Obviously an 8mb memory card can’t handle making a video recording of the mathes you made so it simply records button inputs. Of course this can cause issues if the memory card isn’t responding correctly to the inputs. Seeing that a lot of US games have issues with the memory card this is just another one of those US PS2 memory card issues along with other games like Tekken 5 and DDR.

Luckily the Japanese PS2 copy of 3rd Strike doesn’t have this issue and you can record away with no issues. So if you want to have the convenience of not having to worry about fucked up replays…mod your PS2 and get yourself a Japanese 3rd Strike. You can get it at for like dirt cheap.

I sware I answered this in another thread but i couldnt find it, but there is a “random solution”.

I hope I remember how to get them back, If I am remembering correctly its this simple.

And by the way, I have the exact same problem with some of my replays, EXACT.

Okay, youll need to watch through it until it messes up, than if you see it mess up you need to reset your system (well this works on ps2 i hope ur using ps2). Play it again, if its not working reset agian. Keep repeating until it works, it might take a while, but once it starts working it should work for a few more plays. Usually the problem occurs when you overwrite a replay, but Im not sure why it happens other times.

Just keep tryin this system, once u get it working Im pretty sure it will work a bunch more times.

Is there anything else good about the Japanese ps2 version of 3rd strike? I was thinking of getting it (I already have a fliptop and swap magics), but I wasn’t sure if it was worth it to buy it just for the Japanese super art labels.

Uhh… I don’t think you have to go through all that trouble. I had a replay where it was a draw but 1 character beat the other one first. I just replayed it and it worked fine.

Oops I just posted this on my brothers name, Im deadpool135 by the way.

Hmm maybe ur right Crypt, maybe instead of reseting it you could just try it over and over again, I never tested it that way.

I already have a burned copy but I’m gonna buy an official copy just because it’s dirt cheap. Outside of the Japanese text, obviously for the non faulty replays and using the circle button to select through everything. There’s a few minor things as well like Urien bleeding during his time out losing pose (dunno why stuff like this was edited) and Akuma’s name being Gouki and just other randomness. Otherwise it’s more or less the same game but I’m a big fan of anything Japanese and having replays that don’t fuck up is worth it alone IMO.

my japanese version does the same thing some times…

It happened to me to. All I did was use another PS2 and it was fixed.

just use the xbox version, save on hd and you are all good! =)

Try parrying Chun’s SA1 and then recording it. Watching Yang twitch in the corner like a madman was just too funny to me.

Another reason to get the Japanese version is the bigger/more combos you can do? (correct me if im wrong). Are the same combos that are on the Japanese arcade on the Japanese ps2 version? Or does the japanese ps2 version have less combos like the english one?

Its not much of a difference but I know theres a few people who prefer makoto on the japanese version cause of a few more combos, and with other characters of course.

There may be slight differences in the hit boxes/timing for combos but as far as I know both games are pretty similar (between the US/PS2 ports). I do remember hearing something about a couple of Makoto’s combos being a bit easier in the Japanese version but I can’t confirm that.

when my friend got a ss+ grade on me the replay messed up a few times the fighting just stopped