Mega Man Infinite

LOL you sound like you roam SWF XD.

This is Chaddd? I presume? Ganon? Sry for being OT btw.

Oh what’s this? This is Chaddd posting from SWF? Georgia’s Melee Ganon xD

But enough is enough. Now it’s about TvC :woot:

Unless you count Mega’s Wavedash. LOL.

But yea. I think my button config is making it near impossible or practical on my fingers to do it. >:

And I really dont wanna switch buttons because I’m already used to my set up. D:

Alternate: I did it to Karas on both corners until I got tired of it and got a tatsunical. I think your problem might be the :snkc:,:qcf::snka:,:snka: part. After the :snkb: kick, wait a bit then do the C, and as soon as you see megaman doing the C power shot frame, you cancel and do A. How I do it is I mash A, until I get 3 hits, then B, repeat. Watch your timing, as that’s esp. important.

GHNeko: Suck it up and change! You want curly mustache on megaman or not? Then do it!


rolls assist sets it up nicely

you can do cr. a cr. b assist c than infininte

Aren’t there quite a few assists that set it up actually?

Doronjo’s can since it stuns, I think.

Also <3 Detective Conan.