A few weeks ago I made us a metatag for organizing matches on XBox Live. Even though it’s in the title of the sticky up top, it hasn’t gotten much attention. So, this thread is mostly to point out that it exists, and hopefully get a few more people on it.
To use it, add SkullgirlsSRK to your friends list. If I don’t get around to adding you in a timely fashion feel free to PM me, I’m a busy college student and I don’t check the metatag every day.
After you’re accepted you can view SkullgirlsSRK’s XBL profile, and look at it’s friends; that will show you who’s online and who’s playing what right now. Just shoot them a message and schedule yourself a match
If anyone has any questions about the metatag and how it works, feel free. If the mods want to close this thread for being redundant, at least give it a few days so people can see it/ask questions without having to resort to PM (that way it’s archived)[/s]
The metatag will always be offline. Just find it and view it’s profile, go to the second tab (by hitting right) and click “View Friends”. There’s usually someone online playing Skullgirls
Okay, so after a long hiatus from Skullgirls (waiting on this patch has led me to play UMvC3 and SFxT in the downtime) the metatag back up and accepting friend requests again. If anyone else wants the username/password for the account let me know, that way we can get multiple people accepting friend requests.
We’re up to 68 people on the metatag, hopefully we can fill it up to 100.