Medium level sparring?

Looking for a few people to add to friend list to spar with I’m a mid level player i think and i either get the floor wiped with me or i win w/o any challenge. Trying to get better at the game but hard when you can’t find people around your level and a bit better than you to play against

XBL - qixi izuna ixip

you can add me, Where are you from?

Canton 'OH

I’m going to add you. I’m from TX so we should have a pretty good connection. I’m down for practice, sparring w/e. Just trying to get better, and not get scrubbier

York, PA here make sure you add me as we are real close man. I want to level up my game as well!

I’m out of town till the 12th so can send a request to qixi izuna ixip , and I’ll accept when I get back