I was hoping someone could into detail about these and explain how they are used in sf4. Can’t these be reversal’d??
Taken from: Street Fighter terminology, acronyms, lexicon and glossary guide : EventHubs.com
*"Meaty, early, getting-up moves: This means to use a move as your opponent is getting up so that only a few frames of the animation hit them, instead of all of the frames of animation. Meaty moves tend to have big active frames ? frames where your opponent can be hit ? making it easier to land an attack as the other fighter stands.
A Meaty move is useful because it shortens the wait time before you can do another attack, which leads to many additional set ups and throw tactics."*
Basically, a meaty attack is useful because it still hits a waking up opponent, but it recovers alot quicker than the move when used normally, which opens up different combo scenarios that usually would not be available. Meaty attacks are subject to reversals just like other attacks, but they usually tend to hit a player AS he is waking up, so reversaling might be very difficult (your reversal might be stuff by their meaty attack).
Here is an example of my main Cammy performing a meaty HK Spiral Arrow on Ryu’s wake-up, which in turn opens up the possibility of Cannon Spiking right after it. [media=youtube]hGLLyeXVxSc[/media]
Normally, Cammy cannot Cannon Spike right after her HK Spiral arrow (unless in the corner), but since this particular setup she is attacking meaty (meaning, she is attacking when ryu is rising), only part of her attack hits, which makes her able to perform another move right after it. Its almost as if the character can recover faster from a meaty hit than they normally could using it elsewhere.
All moves have start up. In sf4 the fastest normal attack is 3 frames.
Meaty attacks are attacks done on someones wake up so that the active hitbox of your move is hitting them on the first frame they’re able to be hit.
Hypothetical example:
If it takes you 5 frames to wake up and frame 6 is when you can push buttons/block/get hit your opponent wants to do a move that is active on that 6th frame. If you do anything other than block you will get hit by this meaty attack because your fastest move is 3 frames (which would come out on frame 8 if we stick with this same scenario).
The only way to avoid this is to do a move that is invincible on frame one like an HP or EX shoryuken. This way when that meaty attack is hitting you on frame 6 you have excecuted a shoryuken in reversal timing(reversal timing is doing a move the first frame you’re able to attack, in this case frame 6) which makes you invulnerable all the way until your hit connects on frame 8 or later.
the only meaties worthwhile in (S)SF4 are safe jumps.
At scrub level, yes. All they tend to do is mash reversal. But it also depends on the char you’re fighting against. eg. Boxer can’t do much against meaty cr.lk on his wakeup. It stuffs headbutt and recovers quickly enough so that you can block all other reversals. And because it’s meaty, it also makes frame traps possible that don’t work under normal circumstances (useful against Boxers who mash jab, ie. 90% of them).
It’s also worth noting that a meaty doesn’t guarantee quicker recovery. It has to connect after the first active frame. Counter-hit, late meaty attacks give the most frame advantage in general (getting hit of an attack while the opponent is in hitstun is a special case).
Here’s a short vid demonstrating a few of Blanka’s meaty and CH meaty links:
in what situation would meaties like the ones in your video actually connect and lead to combos?
Typically you just use the ones that are safe frame traps so that if they hit they combo, but if the opponent blocks they’ll get counter-hit if they try press any buttons between the attacks. Counter-hit also makes it easier to hit-confirm super moves.
Also useful after a midscreen throw->x-over hop/ball against certain charge characters because cross-over destroys their reversal charge.
what about jumping? It seems like whenever I try to jump out meaty attacks I get hit, but If I try to meaty someone on their wakeup, they sometimes jump and get away. I’m doing something wrong, but I’m not sure what… too early, too late, wrong type of attack?
Also note that not every character can be safe jumped.
Guy for example, absolutely NEEDS to utilize meaty attacks to safely set up offense, because he doesn’t have any 3 frame normals. Mixing up his meaty initiated combos with throw attempts is the only way he can continue applying pressure to an opponent who is waking up without jumping. Very important. Also, his U2 eats safe jumps.
I only point this out because Guy is a character who needs to rely on meaty attacks and can counter safe jumps.
That’s strictly from mis-timing. As long as your active frames overlap their first neutral frame a meaty attack will beat everything except blocking and moves with invulnerability frames. Never jump out of meaty attacks, just block and be ready to tech, unless you feel like risking a reversal.
It takes several frames to even start a jump, so if an opponent is able to jump out of your meaty attack you are doing it too early.
Trying to jump out of meaty attacks is also a bad idea for the same reason.
meaty attacks, to *safely *set up offense? in sf4?
They went extinct in 2008 RIP
I love invulnerable moves
Every game and every character should have them