First I understand most customers of most stick makers just want the standard off the shelf model with the highest level of customization usually being the artwork on the stick. so right away I understand I’m in a different class of customer than everyone else.
Second I hired them both to be the hands behind this project as well as looking for some professional advice to look at things I may have overlooked.
third I assume l Itold him I’d rather talk it out and make sure we’re on the same page before he goes ahead and does. Heck, the last two or three years on shoryuken have been triple confirming theories a new features on joysticks that have kind of been done before but not exactly the way I wanted it.
And this is what Stan has done with those instructions:. He first interpreted it as just an Xbox 360 controller, which was that buy what I expected but was done well anyway.
More recently I tried to explain the more detailed instructions and how they work, like for example he wanted to know what the pin arrangements were so I just gave him a diagram showing what pins are supposed to go to what buttons showing the button layout and the number of the pins are supposed to be.
by the way I was asking shokan if it was a standard layout so that other people could use my stuff and I could use my stuff on other people’s sticks, so I asked Stan if he knew any customary wiring conventions and if not, does it even really matter, as long as I’m self-consistent? I told him if there was a convention, use it. He didn’t know any so I just made one and try to stay consistent.
He was trying to offer suggestions of ways to make a cheaper what he thought was doing good but I had to explain a reason why that setup wouldn’t fundamentally work. usually the reasons work because it has to work both left-handed and right-handed or it has to work with every PCB plugged in, or it has to be user-friendly and I don’t want to have to send it to him every time there’s a crisis. Like for example he questioned why I needed female ethernet ports on the end of the pcbs and I said I go through enough male RJ45 connectors that they eventually snap and no longer stay connected, so I try to limit the damage to just the cable being inserted and removed and if one of those plugs was hard soldered into the PCB that would mean taking it in for service but if I was more indirect and only touched the most friendly one that I could just go to Walmart and pick up an ethernet cable and fix the problem myself.
Since I shut down a few of his ideas of conventional wisdom because it doesn’t work in my case, he may have been gun shy too ask of something.
Sobe send that when I gave them db37 ports I didn’t know if he could finish them or if he needed extra parts. Since I didn’t know the parts I don’t know if there was a gripping one part of the handle or not and I didn’t know if I needed to order that extra.
what became of that was Stan sent me the ports with literally a naked female or male db37 port with a bunch of wires precariously soldered right in there. If it were shielded with a skin it would definitely be a high-quality soldering but because I didn’t know if skin was provided or not and stand was gun shy to tell me he needed skin, it made me wonder whether it was deliberate because, it just came off an argument.
So I don’t know whether it was my responsibility to know whether a skin was necessary to add and what the consequences were if there was no skin, I don’t know if mouser adequately inform me whether there was no skin and if I wanted to insert the db37 as a unit without risking messing in his wires that I should order skin, too, or whether it was Stan’s fault, not asking me about the skin or saying it’s going to be a problem and making me assume that the skin came with it, and with the last argument there may have been some ill-will. Of course when I talk it over I’m less paranoid because I hear his perspective.
I understand when I shut down conventional wisdom he might become gun shy to point out anything. but I thought I hired him both for his physical ability and the mental ability now and he has in the things I don’t understand as well.
I fought hard for double wiring because I know it had to work both left-handed and right-handed. I witnessed a case of only two or three ends of a y conexion plugged in equals full strength electricity but all three ends reduce the electricity significantly. It made a week enough wear drawing power on both ends made a PVR signal too weak to read. But I unplug one side and it works perfectly fine.
He was surprised that worked.
I understand I’ll pay for the skins and the mailing back of the pcbs and then we’ll negotiate what to do after that.
I’m aware enough to know that my needs are unusual. And the sub needs that go along with it compounded to the point of almost absurdity until it’s actually done.
Let’s assume for this question that Stan had a good heart and was not trying to have revenge by giving me something that’ll work until I figure it for a minute. assuming he wanted his work to last and wanted to earn more work by doing it right the first time,. Was it his responsibility to say door no skins or shells for the db37 connector and actually have to order them? Or was it my responsibility to pay for something did I didn’t know I needed or not?
And to be diplomatic I’ll assume I’ll be at fault unless Stan agrees otherwise, and pay for the shipping in the extra parts.