I’m not sure about the active frames on her s.mp but it stays out pretty long (at least 3 frames from what I can tell) so CH st.mp after her oki setup (front stinger cr.hk [whiff] jHK [whiff] st.mp CH) should land as a meaty with great timing right? I’ll test it in a few minutes though just to make sure.
What are Christie’s best option when she enters to juggled opponent?
(Probably one option for ender, and one option for more extension)
I know that after normal launch she can s.mp cr.lp xx s.mk s.mk xx handstand~f - won’t work to much of other launchers (particularly after juggle Elena’s mk.Rhino Horn)
And for extension she can cr.lp cr.hp xx handstand helicopter (but not too sure how stable it is for full hit)
Is this pretty much sum her juggled game?