Me being here
I have come across this forum, and seems to me… the most popular Street Fighter forums ive come across. And ive got alot of questions witch i will find on my own and ask you poeple. But before you give me any sitrep, take note i have SF4 for the PC. Its running SUPER Smooth and i dont have a stick. Nor a plugin for my controler… So… i play with my keyboard.
Now, look at the word “KeyBoard” And then read the -Title- again.
I am pretty good, and my keyboard is pretty thin to be fast on with.
My Question
Threw out my competition online, ive lost so many times to close calls or bad luck that ive figured out what is wrong with me and my char on a time like that.
Every time when the opponents life bar is about to drop 0, he will play more cautiosly and be more on the defencive side. What i have figured out is that i suck Executing that K-O.
(Sorry if you tought of an Execution, as in performing a combo)
Ive also learned NOT TO USE MY ULTRA on a time like that because one time or another, he is going to R-Aaaaaa***e you with his ultra.
I couldnt find anything special about C.Viper doing an effective killing blow vs any character.
Is there anything C.Viper has that other characters also have? Like, Ryu doing an EX Hadouken vs someone about to get up.
There is one that i found, witch is to Sj away and Seismo his a** when he gets up.
But i am risking getting fooled by an EX that the opponent used to get him self out of that Seismo and get to me before i can say Uncle
What REAL effective EXECUTION does C.Viper have?
Also, could you sneak up a tip on how to effectivly use EX Seismo hammer to fix my split second hitbox into not getting hit?
If there is anything about C.Viper vs Low Health opponents then can you direct me to it? I couldnt find a thing about C.Viper and her specialty vs low health.
EDIT: Please dont bash too much on my Epicness/Failure on the keyboard thing. I am looking forward for SSF4 and plan to buy a stick for it. (on the 360)