MD/VA BlazBlue Thread!

Need a teammate for C3 this month, BB 2v2s. I don’t want to have to find someone the day of :tdown:

I won’t be at this month’s c3 because after evo I have to head to LA for a wedding…but damn I need that c3 action in august lol

YO How does Aug 1st sound for a BBQ? Its the day before the Scion tourney.

If enough people aren’t doing stuff that weekend, I’ll start planning

anybody want to play some blazblue today? hit me up on aim @ usmcjaguar

GGs the other night in blueballz.

apparently i need video month to come, i found out all the combos i need on specific chars (ala rachel/bitchy/arcunte) in like 5 minutes of youtube :\

what the fuck is up with hakumen’s damage? he does like 3 hits and it’s 75% right there

Hakumen is K-groove, but it takes a lot less then a slap to the face to make him angry.

k-groove with auto meter build? k groove against dan taunting? i guess he’s in the wrong game… cause he seems to have it just as bad as tager. how the fuck is he gonna get in against v-13/arakune?

v13: one or two good guesses and she’s done. But not going to lie, if you have to fight a long set, things aren’t looking good for you.

Arakune: I would just switch characters. If someone is insistent on sticking with Hakumen, you gotta make the most of that grace period at the start of the round, when you aren’t cursed.

The matchups are really as bad as they look. I think if given time (and dedication) someone could get really awesome with his drive counters and the matchups wouldn’t be so bad. But I think a new BlazBlue would come out before someone could get that good. In fact, some sort of update for the arcade has already been announced for this year.

I’m going to try to go to C3 for BB. Dunno if I should enter teams or not, dunno if people want a Bang (It will make your penis 6 inches longer)

Pat who’s that dude in your UPS icon.

Do you play on XBL? Hit me up if you do.

It’s UPS’s mascot…Hakumen. :lol: I guess you haven’t played much Blazblue yet (well I’ve only played it once myself). I always like Pat’s avs.

I don’t know anything about the game but I’m sure it’s funny.

has anyone else noticed that all the black people play carl cause they get that free marvel assist.

holy shit mike kim

(carl is also a traditional negro first name)

carl weathers agrees

Carl is pretty nice, but I hate having to move his stupid sister around cuz she is so goddamn slow.

Day-definite delivery typically in one to five days, guaranteed.

I don’t know what that means.