I know what you mean. I haven’t found anything that beats headstomp cleanly, which he can just spam for free on me.
just got my 100th win
dont laugh that it took so long please
52 losses, which isnt bad for someone like myself
i cant get sick of using rufus
out of my 152 games, about 135 are with him
I thought you were a cr.MP user? : P
Cr.MP beats it clean? Hmmm will have to work on timing then. In the air I am screwed though. No Cr. MP there :sad:.
cr.MP beats Headstomp AND EX Headstop AND the blue-hand portion of Devil’s Reverse CLEAN. A big help in this match-up.
Oooooo. I wonder if it can beat Scissor Kicks since they look like they will come right into cr.mp range.
Granted I am prolly asking too much.
EDIT: posted in the wrong thread, i just moved the post now
anyone know the start up frames for his far hk?
very underused normal that sets up a simple SOS, tough to time though considering you have to be away a certain distance
Takes an age (17 frames) to come out (for comparison, his cr.HP, which also takes an age, comes out in 14 frames). I only ever use it as a wee surprise if they are in range and I have an Ultra stocked. Rufus has so many ways to link his Ultra though it’s very seldom I use it.
Does anyone know if far st.HK > Fragrance Palm > MP Snake Strike > Ultra work in the corner? Again, I’ll test that today if I have time.
Rufus cr.MP
I thought that was a trial combo? Haha if not I’m pretty sure 100% that it works
It’s a mix of two trial combos: one from Normal 4 (FA > st.HK > Fragrance Palm > Ultra) and Hard 4 (FA > Fragrance Palm > MP Snake Strike > Ultra).
It does work tho, yeah. I guess it’s useful it you tag them with the far st.HK in the corner : )
I did it with HP snake today against claw, maybe is kinda char specific but still good to know
I think Rufus is a pretty cool guy, eh Tornadoes through fireballs and doesn’t afraid of anything.
…sept Blanka
Is the timing tight for this? I kept trying this and kept getting beaten by Head stomp and blue-hand >_<
How about the blue hand follow up to Headstomp?
It must be hella tight because I have the same problem.
i havent been able to get cr. mp to beat head stomp or the followup. i ex messiah in between the hits only if they try to hit me with the followup.
EDIT: OK, just tested this cos I thought I was going mad; turns out it is affected by the range the HS is launched at. Anything more than 2/3 chars lengths away and you can beat it clean. If he is closer than that I don’t think so, or I just don’t have the timing. I think it’s because of the weirdness of the front part of that move’s hitbox. Sorry for the slight misinformation dudes : /////
It definitely does, I swear; don’t do it when he’s on top of you but a little earlier, like when he is above and in front. The timing isn’t all that tight, just a little weird; you have to throw it out fractionally earlier than you would a normal anti-air. One thing I’ve noticed though is if you try to do the cr.MP to beat the headstomp, if you didn’t do it early enough and Bison Devil’s Reverses you don’t recover in time to throw out another cr.MP to beat the blue hand. You can focus the blue hand too, of course. You need to be even earlier if you want to catch the EX version that’s why I just block those.
Ooook. I thought I was going nuts too.
Typically I can’t find any bloody match videos showing it; Kindevu throws cr.MP out a few times against Riki’s Head Stomp but he devil’s reverses away. Hm.