McDonalds > Kung Fu! Rufus General Discussion Thread

It’s just a Sub par ultra and you don’t really need to read up on it. Just stick with U1 for 90% of your matches.

Hello fellow fat men, anybody else try and dive kick as characters besides rufus after switching from playing him for a long set? I found myself trying to dive kick as honda a few times today and i gotta say it didn’t fare to well for me…

Well your first mistake was playing as another character :stuck_out_tongue: but yeah I’ve done that plenty of times myself.

Rufus has an unblockable!

Alright, I’ll bite… what? I have setups that are incredibly-hard-to-blockable. But I’ve never seen a legit unblockable.

F.throw, whiff cs.hp dive kick just before/peak height, only works on Gen and Ibuki though.

I’ve really come to a crossroads in my Rufus gameplay.
I only started using Rufus a short while ago, but I do really well with him when I play online (I know, online isn’t a very accurate showing of skill but it’s all I have, bear with me) However, today I was just doing awful. I was dropping the bnb, guessing wrong on all my mixups and messing up easy executional stuff and not punishing people correctly. I’ve noticed that my Rufus has really been lacking lately and I was wondering if I should just give him up entirely. I’m sure you guys have had similar experiences with Rufus, any advice?

Don’t give him up, slumps in gameplay are natural with any character. It happens to everyone, up to where i am now there have been those days where shit just doesn’t go right. To eventually win consistently with a character you are most certainly going to lose some. Just remember that you are still gaining something from losing, make it a learning experience. If you play well and still lose look at what you did right and try to figure out what you did wrong. Just go into training mode to grind out the bnb and other combos every time before you play (the more consistent you do this the better), play some other characters so the game doesn’t stagnate, and just don’t put too much pressure on winning and doing well. It will come with time, the more relaxed you are the sooner you will get back into the swing of things.

How does Rufus do in Bison’s bad matchups?I hate fighting against him, never considered even though I like Yun, Yang, Cammy. Right now I’m thinking Rufus, Sagat, or Akuma.