McDonalds > Kung Fu! Rufus General Discussion Thread

Thanks, Puff. I’ll be looking forward to the next ones, man. I think someone is uploading from our sever, which is causing the chugginess. Usually when I play at work, it’s lightning fast. Still, good stuff, man. Hopefully we can continue to help each other level up.

Everytime I go to training mode to work on some Chun Li combos, the fatman calls me to work on links and FADCs, lol. I gotta set more time aside for her. She’s such a cerebral character.

lol Nice games poopclown

Your Rufus was sick, I raged when I did my ultra after you did J.HK at me, 2hits connected and you fell off for some reason rofl then you did yours after to end the match. Arhh my stick is so messed up the amount of times when I focused and the dash didn’t come out loool.
Fun games, play sometime later on.


A Bobino post!

A quick question then. I focus a lot but I think I do it too much and gets me in trouble.

What do you try and focus? Jumpins? Fireballs? Everything?

Whoo! GG Vicious. I picked up some nice new things to study. Good times. I’ll catch you one of these Fridays or Saturdays at AI. You too Psycho Black.

I think bobino’s post was a pun, wasn’t it?

hence my reply

Anyone else starting to hit a wall?

And I mean a big mean scary wall that is 154’ high?

I’ve been experimenting with:

divekick->,, then

c.lkXXEX tornado on hit
or c.lp, s.lp,

i saw some japanese fellow use the combo into tornado, & i like the ease of both the combo and block string compared to the standard one.

zakiyama uses linked st.lks a lot in his set w/kaqn’s ryu (easily found over on streetfighterdojo); he barely uses the regular tornado comboes up close, I guess he’s terrified of dp trade ultra/dp fadc ultra/just fkn dp

you can obv go into launcher off the second too

edit: might want to experiment w/ending on c.lp, s.lp, too? tht way you’re ending on a cancellable move

When I land a and if I have meter I do cr.lp x2 xx EX tornado if I want more damage than the regular xx lp tornado.

There are some characters that you can cr.lp std.lp, far.lp xx EX tornado in the corner and some others midscreen but I need to test on which chars does it works

and obviously if you have ultra meter:, target combo --> SOS

how do you connect a crossup high divekick with a action on ground saw it in some videos and dont understand it at all how a high divekick can be comboed after…

Ive just started using rufus. I main blanka and some e honda but im trying out a few other characters. Rufus seems like he could be awesome but im getting raped online, I win about 40% of my fights whereas I win the majority of my fights with blanka.

Im having big problems with moves coming out that I dont want, eg im crouching jab and go to overheard kick and a bloody messiah kick comes out and I cross up and for for fierce and a snake strike comes out. It happens in loads of other situations too. Really annoying.

How long should it take to get decent with rufus? It feels natural playing with blanka and honda but with rufus it feels wierd to me. Kind of like im fighting with the controls as well as my opponent.

Those aren’t explicitly Rufus problems, those are just execution problems I think. It’s natural going from a charge char to a qcf char. Hell even goin from rufus to other qcf chars I get a bit messed up and start dive kicking w/ryu lol. Anyway you just need to let the stick go quickly back to neutral before going from a crouching jab to the overhead otherwise you will always get a messiah kick. Same with the cross-up. Let the stick find neutral quickly before inputting the hp xx hp tornado. There shd be a neutral in between the hp and the nado too. It’s just the learning curve.

Cheers, I think using a pad probably doesnt help in that case. I should have my stick sorted soon anyway so hopefully that will help. It will be hard to get into the habbit of letting the stick go back to nuetral.
The wierd thing is I dont have much problems with other qcf characters.

Mr. Wizard plays as Rufus.

Played him the other day. Pretty good too. (He beat me haha)

i think he playes everyone. i played him as a sim, last month

this dude hates rufus

has anybody created a rufus strategy guide for noobs? I just started playing the fatman a couple of weeks ago and just wanted to know if there was somewhere i can get concentrated info other then watching bobino and sextaro vids on my ps3

Rufus strats and combos should give you an idea.

you can also ask marn since he has a nice Rufus and could give you some advices concerning his gameplay

Am I blind or is Marn’s thread gone?

Anyway, is c lk, c lp, c lp, s lp, c mk + ex g. tornado character specific? I can’t seem to get the c mk to link after the s lp on Ryu. I tried taking out one of the c lps but then was getting the close s lp

You need to try to link all 3, the 4th s.lp is unecessary.

So it should go like this, link c.lp, link s.lp, no need to link xx EX Galactic Tornado.

It’s not linking per say, just do it as late as you can.

My thread is gone because of all the morons who infested a thread that tried to help people. Sorry guys but that’s the way it goes when I make threads I guess ;.