MAYFLASH XBOX 360 / PS3 / PC Arcade Fighting Stick V2 Compatible with Sanwa Parts out of the box 69$

Yea pretty much…need artwork tho

Does anyone here own a mayflash v2? I am inbetween buying one or a qanba q1 , I’ve read around and seen that the qanba q1 might have some pcb** issues , tho I don’t know how legit that piece of info is . So I have been searching for some video reviews , impressions on the stick and I really didn’t find anything , but still there are a lot of people praising the stick .

Also can you guys confirm that this is indeed the mayflash v2? I doesn’t say anywhere . link

Several people in this thread have bought it, read it from the start and you’ll get all kinds of information. The only complaint so far has been incompatibility with ssf2hd remix on ps3. And yes, that’s it in your link.

Okay man, thanks. I don’t really play anything other than usf on pc , I believe this should be compatible with sf5 when it comes out so I don’t care much about anything else.

hello everybody…
i know a little english i said that before… :slight_smile: this stick arrived to me yesterday. and i played usf4 for a while. i liked this. it works very well. it’s big,heavy,nice… but i don’t like the joystick. because it’s turning around wide axis so i can’t do hadoken,metsu hadoken etc. easily. you will see this on video. i made a video with this stick and my laptop fastly. i hope it will be helpful for you. good bye… :slight_smile:

Your dp inputs are…well…odd to say the least. It’s a bit off topic but you should clean em up lol. It’s the first thing I noticed

A friend of mine made an attempt at a template based on Monkey Governor’s scan. It wasn’t exact, so I tried to scale it based upon the Slagcoin Vewlix panel layout. It could probably use some minute adjustments to make it perfect, but a quick letter-sized test on my printer looks pretty close.!iUUQ0IYY!mYbNwtx3nUbrFTjXnUYf067g4lVwB-hDRMdfJzwppbA

Wow, bummer. I was just about to recommend this to someone since it was $60. Now it’s up to $80. That’s still good for a dual-console out the box I suppose though.

Supply and demand. Now since this thread onto page 4, people realize this stick in demand.

So has anyone swapped out the graphics using the template yet? I’m picking mine up today, pretty stoked to see how it fares against the TE:s. Just for clarity, would a Hayabusa fit in there? I haven’t got one at hand to compare with, but judging from the pictures the housing seems a bit larger than a JLF.

Edit: Just to follow up with my initial impressions: The stick and buttons reminds me of my old dreamcast stick, and that’s in a bad way. Maybe I’ve been spoiled by all the JLF:s since then but it’s really kind of working against me when I’m using it. The microswitches feel hella stiff. I’m going to replace it with a JLF (or Hayabusa just for the f of it).

On the plus side, the case is really nice. The weight is great and it feels very solid sitting in my lap. This case and a dual-pcb for 60 euro is a steal regardless of the stick and buttons.

Some questions

What size are the buttons? 30mm? I read the whole thread and didn’t see anything about the size.

For anyone that’s used both this and the qanba q1, which has the better stick and buttons? I know the qanba has pcb issues but I’d like to hear about the buttons and stick.

And is this still a good deal now that it’s up to $80?

Can’t remember the last time a retail stick was released with action buttons under 30mm in diameter (Hori FS3, perhaps). These are 30mm.

You’ll have to have someone else chime in on the Q1, never used it myself.

While not as good of a deal as previously, still a deal and I’d still recommend it.

What we need is for more sellers to offer it; the dude on amazon currently has a monopoly right now.

I’ve used the q1 and the v2…I recommend the the v2 over the q1 as IMO it’s a more solid stick but a better deal being it works on ps3/360 and PC out the box.

Alright thanks. I asked about the buttons because I thought I saw someone somewhere else say they were 24mm (I have large hands and fingers so that would be to small for me.) I probably just imagined it though.

Alright thank you.

I think I’m going to go ahead and order one.

$80 doesn’t sound that great anymore :neutral:

For a dual console stick and easily upgradeable? 80 bucks is still a good deal…most come to 150 or more …granted 60 was a steal…but like @Darksakul said…supply and demand.

And the case is good too. Between the TE:s, Hori VX-SA and Qanba Q4RAF I’ve owned the case holds its own.

I don’t know, the case looks cheap and it’s a Mayflash. Is it really up there with a Hori or Qanba?

The case on the v2 is damn solid and has good weight to it.the pcb is pretty close to the one the qanba q2 uses…I’m not disappointed in the least.

There isn’t a trace of the mayflash you know on this stick.

The build quality blows all competition away; to get any better you would have to pay 2x the price it’s currently going for, and even then the only “upgrade” would be sanwa or seimitsu hardware (which is no better than what they offer, believe it or not).