Mayflash USB Fighting Stick

Hi all,
I’m interested in picking up an arcade stick for casual use and saw the “Mayflash USB Fighting Stick” on playasia.

Looks awesome for the price, just wondering if anyone has used it before?

I know mayflash have a reputation for making controller adaptors so I assume it wouldn’t be too bad?

Anyone have comments on it?

I bought one to mod, didn’t get around to using it.

The stick is a garbage hori which is very loose.

The buttons are not arcade buttons, but larger controller pad buttons.

Lol i’ve just ordered one of these (damn expensive shipping too).

I had the intention of using it as a stock stick and modding it at some point in the furture with seimitsu buttons and a sanwa JLF stick.

Is there room inside the case for that kind of mod job do you think?

Is there any chance you could post a picture of the board inside the case so I can see what i’ll likely be dealing with?


Thanks for that link.

It appears that the buttons should be about as easy as it comes to sort out swapping them out for sanwa/seimitsu buttons.

I’ve got reservations about fitting a JLF to what appears to be the same fitting hori sticks use, but for the price of the stick i’ll be happy enough I think.

mayflash as one of the post note above is a rather cheap hori, really really loose stick, large pad buttons. but despite all this it is a good sturdy stick to buy if ur thinkin about buyin your first stick or your lookin to mod. strongly suggest this. for 30 bucks u cant go wrong

Mayflash Stick

I am going to buy one just to mod it. Why not? I agree that for the low price, it’d worth the purchase.

I recommend it. I’ve purchased one and it was never disappointing. Its probably the easiest arcade stick to mod (seriously) I’ve placed JLF Sanwa joystick and Sanwa 30mm snap-ins, all works perfectly.

did the JLF fit perfectly or did you need to dremel/hack/chop/drill anything to get it to fit?
And for the buttons, do they fit as is or are the buttons that are standard 28mm and you dremel to 30 for Sanwas?

Have you seen the Mayflash Modding Thread?

Just asking.
No hostile.

theres actually an easier way to mount the JLf in there with the stock screws and points. Just requires to drill the little micro switches a tad.

Read it.

God-awful stock, great stick to mod.

Thanks all, and sorry to bother.

gonna pick one of these up and your answered my question. thanks dude +rep

I actually just modded mine the other day with Sanwa JLF and some clear Seimitsu buttons. Works great.

As OP mentioned about the adapters. Anyone tried any of them? I’m interested in getting one for the x360 but not sure if its worth it.

A friend of mine has this stick. I tested it.

Very bad response. A “down, down-right, right” move is not registered unless you do it very firmly with some extra move to right-up.

Not bad for what you pay for. The responsiveness is fairly acceptable.

For some button mashing, this stick is okay, but to do actual moves, it is too unresponsive to purchase.