May The Force Be With You - RIP Leonard Spock


c’mon spock. beat this shit!!!


dude the title is so fucked up

especially considering how apropos “live long and prosper” would be here

fucked up title indeed

Goddamit not spock! Title should be changed!

Early contender for worst thread title of 2015.

Sad news though :disappointed:

SoVi3t appears to be infected by the Ash Sennin mutagen. Fascinating

I hope he pulls through

Hope he gets better.

Then I hope he hits Soviet with a Vulcan nerve pinch for the thread title.

Jesus Soviet. Might as well go all out if your gonna jumble series stuff like that.


Hope he gets better.


Wait. This thread title wasn’t intentional. Damn Sovi3t you a cold motherfucker lol. If it was intentional Sov would be like posts left and right for a troll well done.

R.I.P. Mr. Spock.

he hasnt died yet D3v.

Rest in pieces, Spock

This year fuckin sucks.

Wake me up when 2016 hits.

Man google failed me, he did pass away.
