[May 5, 2012] Season's Beatings: Summer Slam - Tournament of Legends Qualifier (Columbus, OH)

From** Ghaleon/Nomrah**:

Registration ends May 2nd! Don’t get left out! Head over to www.godlike-entertainment.com now!

Contact us at askgodlike@gmail.com.

When and Where:

Saturday, May 5, through Sunday, May 6, 2012

MoMo2Google maps directions
2885 Olentangy River Road
Columbus, OH 43202-1510
(614) 784-0888

**Super Street Fighter II Turbo **(Arcade Head-to-Head or Supergun) – $20 [3/5 throughout, 4/7 for Grand Finals]

There will be TWO qualfiers!

For now, post up or contact Chris or Harmon through Facebook (“Season’s Beatings Tournament Series”) or Twitter (@gdlkEnt) with questions/feedback/advice. SRK PM is NOT the most efficient way to get ahold of us because of how quickly our inboxes fill!

Thanks to Ghaleon and Nomrah for making this happen and supporting the hell out of ST!!!

Is the ST qualifier on Saturday or Sunday?

both qualifiers are Saturday. the first is at 2pm and the second is at 8pm.

Damn, they need to move one of them to Sunday so I can play. :frowning: I have to work Saturday.

You have 2 days to make arrangements. Better call in sick or something.

Hard to call in sick to yourself. I manage the store and the only one with keys for that day.

Having an assistant manager doesn’t sound that bad right about now do it?

congrats damdai, riz0ne and laugh.

Hey guys, the shots for Season’s Beatings: Summer Slam are up on my site. It’s the hi-res. I’m currently uploading the lo-res shots to facebook.

Here’s the link: Season’s Beatings: Summer Slam