May 31, Sunday Fuddruckers HYPE! Tourney (SF4/MVC2/HDR/SF3S) Console Tourney

Fools act like they know about Tekken! :arazz:
You ain’t no Jimmy Joe Tran:confused:

So im putting this out there to see reply’s as im curious to see what people think. Our venue is happy to have us as we are beneficial to their overall business but unfortunately we will need to find ways to shorten the amount of time we spend there. We have been asked to aim for a 10:00 exit time with ~11:00 being on the border of acceptable.

Our venue, with all its faults, is free. If we lose it, we will lose this series of events. I do not want to see this. So i have been chatting with people about time alternatives. First.

1st) Gunna run the winners bracket ONLY until we are down to quarter-finals for winners, this will streamline play and give people a better idea of when their next turn will come.

2nd) Losers bracket needs to be where we shave time. Thinking one match 3/5 rounds. this will shave valuable time.

3rd) more SF4 Screens.

4th) assigning a reference number @ sign in for ease of location on charts.

options re: alternate style of bracket “Pools” have been suggested, not gunna go with that for this tourney, gunna see how we do may have to resort to that in future.

I cannot stress this enough.
If we go over we will not be welcome back.

any ideas more are welcome.

Could also be stricter on getting to your matches on time. I was there for the second one and it seemed like a lot of time was spent getting people to their matches and setting buttons/w.e.

I personally like the idea of pools, or 3/5 for losers bracket.

Quick question: What did you guys find wrong with Tournament Maker?

One thing I think might save some time is LESS QUEUES. I remember being at a couple stations where there were 2 or 3 matches waiting in line then there’s confusion about who’s up next and what other station might be available. There was also the fact that there’d be two or three stations OPEN for some reason haha.


anyway we can start the tourney earlier?

3/5 for losers sounds good.

so i take it that it’ll still be capped at 128 man then =(

128-man bracket capped and 3/5 for losers sounds good.

3/5 losers is good.

3/5 losers is good.

3/5 losers is good.

someone keep the train going.

3/5 losers is good.

3/5 losers is good.

there are 3/5 losers in this thread rite now .

3/5 rounds for loser is good, but you probably see people wait for you to pick your character first so they can counter it.

What about ps3 players vs 360 players?

Lets go 3/5 losers, stricter time ins, we DONT need to cap at 128, we DO need to not be kept waiting for an hour by other tourneys, i know it was unavoidable but that was the real stall.

Ill try to pay more attention to the Cues, 

ps3 vs xbox yall need to sort that shit out yoselves, flip teh coin. PEOPLE BRING YOUR CONTROLLER!!! i know it dont apply to anyone here, but goddam people askin ME how they can play without the things THEY need to play…

maybe a 128 man bracket and a 64 man bracket on the side? or just a 256 man bracket…

tournament maker didnt allow for multiple things goin on quickly nor did it allow for quick corrections, and it was impossible to track back on it when minor errors occured, pencil and paper seemed to be sadly the most efficient method.

oh yeah i think im gunna try to encourage a 1$ “Venue Fee” to recoup our recompensing Sean W. for his stick, it was touched upon, think ill reinforce it, either way, if i have to pay for it myself we gunna see to it he’s reimbursed. Noone should Thief, but also watch your shit.
Post up if you can bring a TV/Xbox/PS3 i got 3 tv’s, but my xbox is out of comm,

This is a good idea. I think maybe even just letting it be known that donations are being accepted at the door or something would bring in the cost of the stick. I come to the tourneys just to watch mostly, but I would definitely pitch in a few bucks to help out.

You know 3/5 actually changes some dynamics of the game :confused: I dont really care that much, but I would prefer just 2/3

3/5 losers is good.
I don’t like the PS3 versus 360 idea. It seems like there are things that can easily go wrong with it.
If someone is worried about counterpicking in loser’s bracket, perhaps they could do that old fashioned thing where they request prepicking to their opponent? Both players write down the names of the characters that they’re going to use before the match, give it to each other, and then start the game and choose the characters that they wrote down. It probably should take less time or just as long as button mapping.