[May 12, 2012] May 12th: Rochester SF Alpha 3 Tourney (Rochester, NY)

[FONT=Helvetica]My dorm floor is hosting a Street Fighter Alpha 3 tournament to fund our scholarship.

Specifications are as follows:

$5 if you purchase the ticket this week on the campus
$7 at the door

Double elimination, best 2/3. System is PS2 (AA), feel free to bring your own pad/stick.

It is taking place at the Rochester Institute of Technology on May 12th, 7:00 PM. Visitors may come early and purchase a ticket on the quarter mile walkway between academic and residential. Anyone from outside campus is welcome to participate.

Prizes are TBA, but will be presented for first and second place winners.

Feel free to email me at mikejmoffitt [at] gmail.com.[/FONT]