Maxx coloring thread

I’m digging the first one. :slight_smile:

new colored pic

new colored picture

Your coloring is competent (as in, it would look just fine in a real comic) but unimpressive. We want to see a Maj combo exhibition, but this looks more like simple BnBs. Show everybody the best that you can do, and this thread should get more positive responses. You should try to read up on color values, and look at some photography that captures lighting really well.

I do see a little bit of color blending in the Batman page, which is a good start. One simple thing you can try is color the entire panel scene in a certain color (like, in the Batman pic, color the room in sepia, then blend the colors, like the cop’s blue jeans, in with the sepia color). That could help make the colors pop out more.

For example, completely random DA picture:

You can see that most of the scene is brown/gray, so the color on the models make it easy to focus on where the action is.

this is the original colored picture that actually got printed…which do you think looks better? mine or the one that got printed trevormc112’s deviantART gallery

is maj a person on here?

when you talked about coloring it all in one color…is that what the original artist did in the link?

Maj = runs (and posts on SRK every now and then). He does flashy but impractical tool-assisted combo videos (like the Ode to Ryu video that was shown in Evo 2k9). I just meant that showing off everything that you can do might get you more positive feedback (and CC) than simply coloring art to look like a regular comic.

I think your version looks better because it has brighter colors, but in the original, everything is green-hued so the characters look like they belong in the scene. I think somewhere in the middle is ideal.

This is a good explanation of values if you haven’t seen it already

You can reap the benefits of color values, and keep the same flat, cel-shaded look shown in this thread-- you don’t have to make a detailed painting or anything.

ok cool…thanks for the tips.

One more thing, another random DA picture that manages values well, even with flat colors. Good luck peachifruit’s deviantART gallery

there’s a massive improvement from the spidey pages. you’re getting the hang of this really quick.

my two cents-
although the original colorist’s colors are a bit grayed out, his backgrounds doesn’t fight for attention like yours does. my eye immediately goes to the background of the entire second tier and bottom tier panels. the original colorist grays out the heads on the bottom tier panels so it doesn’t grab too much attention from the reader.

also, on the black dude’s hoody, the colorist chose a grayish blue because he’s a secondary character. it’s hard enough to make batman pop on a page, you don’t want to use bright yellow unless it’s on batman’s utility belt or something of importance.

i didn’t mean to sound harsh or anything like that. you def got the chops if you keep at it

not harsh at all im taking all the critics and trying to learn from them…i dont post my shit online alot so im learning alot from you guys.

just a quick note…the black guy is the main focus of the comic…its about him, it has to do with batman inc…he’s the batman for france. but i do understand where your coming from.

yeah the original artist seemed to have gotten lazy on the backgrounds…it seems as though he didnt care bout the details. i actually went and looked at a couple pictures of offices to see what was missing…like he chose the same color of the door as walls, generally you dont see that in houses or offices. the door tends to be the same color as molding, he also made the walls the same color as the molding. i neverrr see that in houses or offices, i tried to pick at those details to offer something different.

just updated the first page with my most recent colors. worked hard on learning to blend more…obviously need more practice but im getting there.

Damn maxx, your coloring definitely got better. Jesus

thanks man. im really trying.

ive been posting random ass art i find because im having trouble finding any kinda 6 page art. like pages 1-6, especially for dc comics stuff. but i just found a 6 page short someone did for teen titans, i think imma work on that for a good while and use it as portolio stuff for the comic conv in april in boston.

hey guys im still at the grind coloring…been slowing working on a few pages for a portfolio for an upcoming comic convention not sure if imma make the deadline. but i needed a break so i found this cool wolverine and jubilee cover i colored real quick over the past 3 days between work and karate.

let me know what ya think.

Yeah I saw what you did with that Coipel piece on tumblr. If i didn’t know any better I would’ve guessed it to be something drawn by frank quitley, and colored by dave johnson or phil noto in some ALL STAR X-MEN one off.

I like your use of colors on your final choice, with that subtle orange glow and dim background. But I think the white fits the best for some reason, since it looks more like something from a comic book scene and the muted colors of the characters have a better contrast as it were than having the entire piece being dimmed.

Anyway, I haven’t commented on here before but I really like what you’ve done so far! The choice in pieces and the variety of artists you have chosen to experiment on are interesting. And you’ve shown flexibility in doing scenes and pinups with lots of detail. I hate coloring, I really do, and its still something I need to master at myself. So its great to see this as a template and be inspired in, even with just colors. Great work though and keeping doing what you do!

thank you very much for those kind words. i was lookin at my blog the other day and noticed how from the first two pieces to the newest how i jumped in leaps and bounds. i honestly wouldnt have been able to do it without the few tips srk gave me. it really helped me to progress alot faster than i would have before. the guys have given me really good feedback and i recommend you throw some stuff on here…they can def help you out.

did a quickie involving my fave artist mike wieringo…for some reason its hard to find good pics of his comic art. :frowning: i really wanna do some actual black n white issues. the search continues. this is one of the handful of artists who made me wanna make it in the art industry. sad i never got to meet him.

Your stuff would look really nice coloring a guy like Mike Allred.

interesting suggestion. def gonna try that.