MattyP Presents: GamePad Streaming Fighter Fridays! $10 (NoVa) Nov. 5

A tournament within a few miles away from me no way!

I might try to come next week.

Awesome Amsalp. (Can I call you Plasma?) There’s a pretty wide range of skill levels here, so bring it on!
Good stuff this week guys. Thanks a lot for the casuals afterwards, I learned a lot.

  1. Eric (Akuma/Sagat)
  2. Chris (Gief/Rog)
  3. Scott (Chun/Guile)
  4. Steve (Ryu)
  5. Yoho (Cammy)
  6. Mike (Abel)
  7. MattyP (Sagat)
  8. Rob (Rose)
  9. John (Bison)

Wish my Eff’n stick hadn’t died…but it was all good. I don’t know about my further tenure in SF4/SSF4 but Shout-Out to Scott on the HDR matches. PEOPLE SHOULD LEARN THIS GAME!!! Period.

I should be able to start coming back on a regular basis starting in May…

Eric, we need to hit up some A2 at Bobby’s.

Thanks to our last match, Matty, I think I reached a new plateau in SF, which I’ll hopefully continue to climb. Definitely looking forward to this week’s tourney.

Around two weeks and counting down…

Not sure if anyone here plays TvC, but we’re starting up a weekly tournament for that on Thursdays. Same setup as the SF4 tournament.

I’m going to try to hit up the TVC and SF4 tourney Thursday and friday. The traffic gets so bad on fridays though :confused:

I’m assuming traffic isn’t as bad on thursdays, so that should be easier.

I <3 TVC!

EDIT: This is starting next week btw…

Awesome to the TvC; if you bring some friends your venue fee is waived. We just starting doing it this week so only a couple people showed up for it. Hopefully we can parlay our SF4 success into the TvC realm.

As for SF4, yes, the Friday traffic is absolutely killer…

Great turn-out yesterday! Thanks to Duane for bringing some of his friends from school! I hope to see more like this one when Super is out.

  1. Eric (Sagat/Akuma)
  2. Josh (Sim)
  3. Chris (Gief/Rog)
  4. MattyP (Sagat)
  5. Karl (Sim)
  6. Scott (Bison)
  7. Duane (Honda)
  8. Anthony (Sagat/Akuma/Rufus)
  9. Matt H (Akuma)
  10. Mike (Abel)
  11. Justin
  12. Trent
  13. Sam
  14. John (Bison)
  15. Andy (Cammy)
  16. Brian (Chun)
  17. David
  18. Matt C

I missed a lot of players’ characters. Sorry.

Good stuff from all players who came and it was a nice first time coming. I found it surprising how no one used Ryu o_o. I need more practice on that Sagat match-up with Sim :x.

David’s main was Gouken, btw.

@Amsalp, we have a really good Ryu that usually comes every week (Steve) and just couldn’t make it this go around.

Im trying to come back the week after super comes out, I’ve been busy with school and stress haha

SSF4 release lock in info:

GamePad Presents: SUPER Launch Party Results!
Big thanks to everyone who showed up tonight to support GamePad! I’m glad to see everyone sticking to Street Fighter!

  1. Eric (Sagat) TE Fight Stick
  2. iNerd (Chun-li)
  3. Steve (Ryu)
  4. Dwayne (Honda)
  5. MattyP (Poop Sagat)
  6. Scott (Chun-li)
  7. Chiefy (Guile)
  8. Sherry (Ken)
  9. Lee
  10. Dave
  11. Joe
  12. Derek
  13. Yoho
  14. Mike

And how does Poop Sagat differ from everyday Sagat?

Poop Sagat is different because he’s controlled by me.

Results! We did a different type of tournament this week, just for fun. Basically pools - whoever had the most wins… won.

  1. Scott (Chun/Guy) $44
  2. MattyP (Sagat/Juri) $19
  3. John (Bison)
  4. Avery (Juri)
  5. Andy (Hawk/Cammy/Juri)
  6. Aaron (Dudley)
  7. Isaac
  8. CJ (Ken)
  9. Justin

I played a mix between Cammy, Juri, and T. Hawk actually.

Going to try and bring DeeJay and Rose this Friday…depending on IronMan2?!
Good to see people playing new fighters. Should be good…

Updated, Yoho! Rob, hope to see ya here! That IronMan2 is tempting…

Thank you sir.

Iron Man 2 had better not be fail after all the hype.