My issue with Urien’s is not preventing them from getting in, it’s getting in myself and staying in. wtf am I supposed to do against a 8f low that reaches further than my sweep and low profiles my fireballs? Who the hell thought that making it +2 on block and +4 on hit was a good idea? It’s legit worse than S1 Chun’s st. HP…
That’s basically how I feel. When I do get in, I just pressure lightly and hope they abuse reversal. If they don’t I’m screwed, if they do I have a chance lol.
I generally do something risky to get in then run loops of frame traps to see what happens.
He seems to have better buttons, even with all the footsie advice here it seems he has the footsie advantage.
I don’t have much trouble staying in. If I could just get in clean to begin with…
This is all personal anecdote but:
Usually from full screen to 3/4 screen. Level 1 can hit, but I usually try to charge as long as I can. I’m more of a defensive player with Laura so I use a lot of thunder clap with her. It’s it’s pretty nice on defense because just the act doing one will usually prompt a response. Some players back up, many many of them try to jump or rush her. Urien players tend to rush and jump, so it’s not so much that you need to get in on him as much as if you’re patient, he will come to you. And up close, well you know how it is! Take all your patience and add more, cause he’s one of the slower matches (I.e. Zangief, Guile)
I’m only gold-super gold, so I definitely don’t have all or maybe even the right answers, but this a large part of how I handle Urien and I don’t feel that he’s super bad or anything. But then again,I might be playing against shitty Urien’s.

My issue with Urien’s is not preventing them from getting in, it’s getting in myself and staying in. wtf am I supposed to do against a 8f low that reaches further than my sweep and low profiles my fireballs? Who the hell thought that making it +2 on block and +4 on hit was a good idea? It’s legit worse than S1 Chun’s st. HP…
I played around in training mode and found some quick options.
s.LK and c.HP beat it clean. c.MK’s don’t have much actual priority in this game. It’s long, but like most c.MK’s the hit box is crap. Can’t actually stuff shit, just a pestering or walk back punishing tool. Just buffer LP bolt during the s.LK and you’ll get it to combo off s.LK on a hit or nothing will come out on whiff. Can use that as an OS/fish tool against his c.MK. Should stop him from spamming it pretty easily. c.HP just beats it and priority system will let you win on a trade also.
Also walk forward s.MK whiff punishes it. Basically if you know you’re just a bit outside of its range, start walking forward until slightly after you see the c.MK and then hit s.MK.
EX bolt also works as an easy whiff punish.
Yeah, our st lk is what we want to deal with that kind of button.
If you block a cr mk and he goes for another one, you can interrupt it with st lk xx mp bolt. Don’t try to interrupt the string if you are too close because he may go for cr mk, cr mp, and that will beat it clean
Didn’t think of st. LK. I think I should use that button more in neutral…
If that works as good after an EX Clap mixup the matchup just became slightly more bearable.

Daaaaaamn, that is amazing. I had no idea that EX Headbutt not only goes over lows defensively, but also can’t hit them. One of the coolest setups ever.
This doesn’t work if the Urien tries to 2LP/5LP since you’re -2 after the dash, and a reversal LP will hit you after the dash post M-Bolt, but honestly? Urien wakeup game against Laura just went from “YOLO HEADBUTT ALL DAY LOL” to “shit are they gonna do that weird 2MK thing?”. This is huge from a mindgame perspective.
He’s doing it after regular command grabs so she’s -4 after dash. You really need to read the EX headbutt there and hope he doesn’t press a button.

He’s doing it after regular command grabs so she’s -4 after dash. You really need to read the EX headbutt there and hope he doesn’t press a button.
Yeah, this is probably only viable after M Bolt, in which you would at most eat a light combo (I don’t think he can hitconfirm lights into CA? Correct me if I’m wrong.) But the fact that it’s a legit option means you can pull it out every now and then and mess with some heads.
Worth checking if this works after the EX Clap reset, or if the Urien tries to headbutt when you’re +3 on block after EX Clap. Might be useful there too.
He can confirm lights into CA and more problematically, into v trigger. But it’s still great tech because it’s mind game shit and Laura is all about the mindgames.
Mmm that’s cool but not that useful. You have to delay the cr mk if you want to do it after mp eblow, and after a command grab dash you’re already at -4.
Same with the ex fireball reset. If you reset with st hp xx forward vskill you can meaty with st lk and still block his reversal though
Tip against urien and guile/Chun that should be obvious but maybe not:
Best place to mix them up after a jumpin is just after making them block a high jump attack. They require down charge to reversal so if you keep the mixups to just jumpin attack>command grab and jumpin attack>pokestring they basically have to eat the mixup.
Urien is also a character that doing safe jumps against will work very well because his reversal is slow and because blocking a safe jump gives him no reversal options outside v reversal which won’t work anyways if you react and grab him.
Speaking of Urien’s reversal, I just found an interesting setup to bait EX headbutts while dicking around in the lab:
st. HP xx EX fireball, L Bolt, L clap
If you did it fast enough you will be able to block right as the active frames of the headbutt come out. In VT you can even delay the fireball a little and have it hit him while he’s still in the air, lol.
I think it’s an amazing finding because L Bolt leaves her right in his face and when they see the fireball startup the urge to EX reversal will be even stronger.
It also works on Rashid’s EX mixer, but only in VT and he will be hit by the fireball before he could even get to you.

Speaking of Urien’s reversal, I just found an interesting setup to bait EX headbutts while dicking around in the lab:
st. HP xx EX fireball, L Bolt, L clap
If you did it fast enough you will be able to block right as the active frames of the headbutt come out. In VT you can even delay the fireball a little and have it hit him while he’s still in the air, lol.
I think it’s an amazing finding because L Bolt leaves her right in his face and when they see the fireball startup the urge to EX reversal will be even stronger.It also works on Rashid’s EX mixer, but only in VT and he will be hit by the fireball before he could even get to you.
Definitely gonna mess around with that! Good find.
Laura’s light fireball is amazing. Such a good trap tool.
Reduced from 1025 to 1000
Crouching MK
Advantage on block changed from +2F to -2F
Jumping LK
Expanded the hitbox downwards
EX Dangerous Headbutt
Increased the recovery on whiff from 15F to 25F
EX Chariot Tackle
Increased the disadvantage on block from 0F to -2F
Reduced the pushback distance on block
Developer Comments: Urien has seen a significant climb in the ranks since the Season 2 update went into effect. That said, we noticed a few key attacks that have very minimal risk, yet high reward associated with them being used more than his other attacks, reducing his overall strategy.
We think with these new adjustments, players will be motivated to use his other attacks and figure out newer strategies to defeat the competition. However, the increased risk on a few of these attacks will require players to properly weigh the risk versus reward of using said attack, especially with Urien’s vitality returning to the former value that is was in Season 1.