Matchup Thread -- M. Bison (Dictator)

You’re right, I should say that it gained MORE invincibility frames than before.

Number of invincibility frames is the same unless they did some stealth changes to that.

To just to clarify a few of the Bison changes.

EX. Devils Reverse, no longer flips Bison as high when activated, and Bison can no longer move away from his opponent when its activated. Because he doesn’t move as high he can’t move as far forward as he use to either.
As a result the move is no longer as good a move to bait out moves that move the opponent away from Bison. The flip part of the animation still has 16 frames of invincibility so if you try to HP.Bolt anti air during those frames you will miss him, however this is kinda a matter of luck or unluckiness on both players part depending how you want to look at it.

The upside to this for Bison, is that the actually attack hits a but quicker so is harder to react to. Because he can’t move backwards, Bison now gets to hold charge and can easily combo into Psycho Blast if the EX.DR hits and his charge wasn’t broken.

Overall IMO this move is slightly more nerfed than buffed.

EX. Head Press has complete projectile invincibility until the move hits or the active frames end. As a result if your setting up fireball traps, beware Bison can evade them if your not actually going to meaty him.
EX. Head Press was hit invincible from frame 1-4 in season 1, that has now change to frames 3-7 in season 2. It goes airborne on frame 6.

VT EX.Head Press is now completely invincible frame 1-25. It use to be hit invincible from frame 1-4 and projectile invincible from frame 1-28 (until he teleport-ed). It was between +2 and +3 on block, now its -2.

Probably the 2nd most significant buff he got was his EX. Psycho Blast being buffed to no longer dissipating after 92 frames and his VT version movement speed being slowed down. These moves give Bison tremendous screen control and is a safer way in for Bison than EX.Head Press/EX. Devils Reverse are.

The change in oki pressure changes this match quite significantly.
Firstly neither character gets oki pressure off a successful V-Reversal.
Laura lost oki pressure from HP. Bolt Charge, forward dash, as Bison can now use S.LK on wake up to trade with Laura’s S.LP and end the pressure.
Laura lost oki pressure from both her normal throws forward dash due to a combination of Bison’s S.LK buff being able to trade with S.LP after forward throw and Laura’s nerfed recovery on back throw.
Laura gains a set up after EX or VT Command Grab followed by LP.Elbow, leaving her at +1. If Bison is on point and looking for this he can end the pressure with V-Reversal though.
Her best pressure comes from her MP.Bolt follow up moves, which give her frame advantage after a dash in.
Laura also gets command throw loops with EX/VT/ VT EX Command Grab followed by EX. Command Grab. This beats 3 frame normal’s. You can test the waters to see if the Bison players know about it, I’m sure alot of them don’t a this stage (I do :slight_smile: )

Bison on the hand hand only lost his V-Reversal oki, a universal nerf.
Now when you block Psycho Axe, you have to respect it more as you can no longer use S.LP to take a trade and end pressure. Bison’s S.LK now beats that option, so your forced into a guess of blocking, throw teching, back dashing or guessing he’s going to do a slow normal for you to interrupt. While this pressure is not as good as Laura’s pressure up close (or command grab characters in general) its still solid pressure now and your going to have respect it a lot more than you did.

Bison has also gained oki pressure from EX/VT. EX Knee Press and EX. Head Press (but not VT EX. Head Press).
Despite a nerf to his forward throw recovery, he can still throw loop you in the corner.

His BnB combo damage is actually slightly down, and despite a new more damaging jump in combo it doesn’t lead to oki mid screen, so mid screens Bison’s are less likely to use it out of the corner. Were Bison makes up this damage is via the universal system change of grey life taking longer to recover and better pressure from Psycho Axe due to 3 frame S.LK.
His stun output has significantly increased, Bison can stun you alot quicker in season 2 due to most of special moves and Psycho Axe doing 50 more stun .

In the neutral game, Bison wins on the ground as he did in season 1, he’s got better normal’s. His S.HP got a range buff as well as a damage buff of 10, Knee Press damage output is up by 10 and stun up by 50.
The issue for Bison is his relatively weak anti air game. He got a very small buff here, from the second frame onward his anti C.HP has been buffed by 10 damage from 70 to 80. The first frame still does 100 damage.
If Bison is pressing a lot of buttons in neutral, you may be able to jump over them and force a block and start Laura’s pressure game.

His other major weakness in season 1 was his lack of defense. Now he has a reversal option in the form of VT. EX Head Press.
Remember the following when dealing with it.
Its very slow, not going active till frame 35. With the exception of command grab you have plenty of time to recovery from any meaty attack you attempt.
Its hitbox is in line with its hurtbox vertically, meaning while it has better priority than a standard jump attack, it will still lose to most dedicated anti air options.
If the move trades against a grounded opponent, it does a comical 10 damage and 0 stun (its actually a 3 hit move were the first hit does 10 damage and 0 stun).
Finally if you block this move, your at frame advantage of +2, be ready to press the advantage.
If your holding forward when Bison activates the move, he will end up hitting from the other side. Its still easy to block, just be aware of the side swap.
One last thing to note, is if Bison has two bars of meter, he can cancel a blocked VT EX.Head Press into EX. Knee Press to be +3 on block or EX. Psycho Inferno to be +4 on block but a bit further away. Its expensive for Bison but it does give him momentum.

Overall, on paper this match up got better for Bison IMO but I wouldn’t know how to call it myself at this point.

In case you didn’t know folks, that V trigger teleport devils reverse shit that 99% of Bison players do? Free to hp bolt 100% of the time. As soon as they disappear in mid air, do the motion on the side they’ll appear on (behind you). Theyll reappear right into your elbow.

I despise this fight, but it seems like if you control/avoid his air shenanigans the fight is yours.

They normally dont usually psycho axe in stLK range so only followup is crMP or usually cant get in range to use it within stLK followup range
If they abuse psycho axe and autopilot a followup, I ex elbow to keep them in check and that usually cuts back some of their offense
gonna have to just d up on ex scissors though

use your walkspeed to your advantage and whiff punish his slow long range buttons

Regardless of how it feels on our end, bison for sure has to put in more effort to get his offense going against laura
This matchup is mostly just conditioning
Not sure if he can even punish stHK unless it’s deep but i could be wrong

Totally do this all the time. Once they pop trigger and teleport I’m already buffering in the opposite direction. Gets me a lot of rage quits lol!

After mp elbow > kick, dash, you go for st lp, cr mp as usual. If they vreversal the st lp you can react to the flash with a back vskill and then cancel it into mp elbow.
Pretty cool because a lot of bisons I face are extremely vreversal happy