Matchup Thread -- Laura

been playing a few Lauras and here’s some tips:

  • her st mk is -2 so always challenge with a cr lp or if she does it close, u can try lp powerbomb. dont let her abuse this but make sure u know ur spacing
  • j mp is great against her fireball. as soon as u see laura raise her arms up, jump in mp beats it eventhough it looks like u will land on her fireball, u wont. ofcourse u gotta be in range so keep her at around cr mp or st hk distance
  • train urself to watch for her dash cancels…none are safe so punish with cr lp x 2 > ex chop and follow up with j hp for pressure
  • cr mk and st mk is good against her. use cr mp too but dont rely too much on it
  • throw > lk knee tech is useful bc Laura’s love to neutral jump when u put them in 50/50. once they get scared, powerbomb starts landing

still hard matchup but these tips helped me. even beat a few diamond Lauras

cr. MP xx dash cancel forward is actually safe on block (-2) and all cancels from mediums and heavys are safe on hit (usually -1, but st. HP is +1). Also beware of CHs because they make them all +1, even if I guess nobody will press more buttons after getting counter-hit.