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Fang frame data:

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Please contribute
Fang frame data:
Credits Frame Trapped
I posted on this in the general thread, but to keep that clean I’d like to expand on it here. I’ve had a few sets against every character at this point and the ones against Fang have been the hardest to me so far.
So few stuff I noticed:
-We have to respect sHK as a frametrap. Fang has a lot of points were he is +1/+2. I had trouble dealing with string that push him away into whiff MK/HK ryobenda/ blocked EX Ryobenda into Nishikyu. Seems to cover a really good angle on Urien because of his height.
Just some basic stuff that struck me as problematic as of now.
I can’t deal with this character at all
Just tested. But I feel like I may be tripping out… does Urien’'s v-skill negate FANGs poison while his skin is darker?
It shouldn’t but that would be a funny bug.
How do you deal with this BS character? All it does is spam lights, jump cross ups, slide cross ups…out of options.