I just recently got my ass annihilated by magneto. The team I was facing was Magneto, Haggar, Sentinel. My team was Wesker/Haggar/Sentinel. When Haggar comes in I was just being pummeled by magnetic blasts and drones. Pretty much all I could do was call drones, super jump and try to either headbutt mags or lay the pipe. Any suggestions for Haggar in these situations?
Patience, if you can keep from being chipped out, they are going to mess up somewhere. Try to stay as close as possible and once they back into the corner and they arent already on the ground, that is when you want to try to be underneath him and lariat when he goes for the falling overhead. Sent is a bitch at keeping you out but he is big and on screen for a while. If you can catch him before drones get out, a lariat>xf could end in 1 or 2 dead characters. I think sjumping and fishing for a pipe or headbutt can be too dangerous against mags because he has too many tools to hit you. Doom on the other hand, go ahead and super jump for some pipe. Try landing on mags and sent with one of his other air normals dependent on spacing, a lot of people dont realize the normal stays active till you land. Anyway thats just what I do Im sure others have better suggestions.
use a beam assist.
not only do beams work better for both Wesker and Haggar, but it will counter your opponent’s drones and you’ll never have to worry about them (unless his point Magneto is defending with disruptor).
a beam will also help you fight his haggar, because you can use it to catch him doing j.Pipe. Drones + rushdown doesn’t work too well against haggar because of lariat.
obviously, plasma beam or disruptor would be the 2 best choices because you get a better anchor out of the deal. i personally think a team of Wesker/Haggar/Magneto is cooler
undercover missiles but super jump so they will be faring the pipe instead of the missiles…
Patience, or a hard tag. Haggar loses terribly to Magneto.