[MATCH UP] Claw - ver.2020

Hello everyone !

I’ve written the complete list of Claw matchups with the help of SRK Wiki of ST. It is based on my ST experience since 2009 and many great Claw players from around the world. Thanks to everyone who shared techs to me to get better at the game. It is time for me to share it widely.


Claw vs Blanka

7 - 3 : one of the obviousest matchs up for Claw : easy if you have a strong defense, near impossible if you let Blanka come to close.

Key word is Patience. Your best weapons are your powerful zoning, Scarlet Terror and patient. Sit full screen away, step a finger on MP , another on HK, charge DOWN-BACK and get some beer.
Here are classics of Blanka and the behaviour you must have against them.

Jump LK : the famous cross up of Blanka. If he is using it, it means you have let him come to close to you ! But don’t worry, you can use good anti-airs like Down HP or far HK or Scarlet Terror or vertical jump HP.

Blanka Sliding is a big threat, you can’t punish it on reaction. Do not attempt to punish it on block. Block and wait, this move involve an agressive behaviur of the oppenent, be patient and prepare for the next move !

Thunder, another Blanka shitty attack that puts you down on the floor… Your options are :
At close range : Neutral LK
At mid range : Wait and do not try to use Down MK because it’s too risky because of potential trade and then could result in a Blanka assault on your wake up
At long range : Sliding

Blanka straight and vertical Balls, this is the key of the match, for both of them. This move can be stopped by a 3 hits Scarlet Terror. You can even punish this move after blocking by walking a few pixels and then doing a far HP, huge damage and despair for Blanka. On the overside, be carefull because Blanka can do a short range Rolling (also called “Rolling Stopped”) to get very close to you and then throw you whereas you were waiting for the “block”.

Vertical Rolling, this is what make the Barcelona Loop almost-impossible to set up on Blanka. Nethertheless, if you open your arms very early in the air after touching the wall, you will be the winner in the air, but do not try to attempt the loop on a close range.

Jump HP with a early button pressing in the air will break it. This should make Blanka turn from green to red. This is the principle of this match up, make the oppenent get MAD ! The first one that loses control of his nerves will lose this match in the next frames.

Another last deadly tool of Blanka is the Close MP. It is +11 on block, so be sure to delay your Scarlet to do a Reversal.

The Parabolic Rolling is a joke, just do some far HK or Scarlet Terror


Claw vs Boxer

5 - 5, but I feel like Claw has a small advantage.

You need to avoid absolutely the Multi-hit Throw Loop that could make you lose your mind, Reversal Throw can save you in this situation.

Do-not-Do list :

No PPP (54 invicible frames + 9 of recover) if you are pressed up by a multi-hit throw attempt or just sometime if you don’t see any way to get some fresh air you might use KKK (30 invincible frames et 9 of recover) : you have to choose between Reversal Scarlet and Reversal Throw !

No Barcelona when you are late on the life bar, because Boxer may start turtling with Headbutt and back jump :mp:

No Sky High Claw if Boxer has back charge, because Dash Straigh could be a direct punish after block.

No random Forward Barcelona, because the buffer of Boxer Dash Upper allows him to let you cross him and the just press forward punch to catch you back, a skillful boxer will do it every time.

Barcelona Loop works if you care at landing on his back of Headbutt, you need good speed and good angle, if Headbutt and Barcelona whiff, you can slide back to him if the distance allows it.

No poke from the moment when Boxer get his Super even if he is full screen away

Be carefull about auto correct Super of Boxer if you launch a Barcelona.

So… What is remaining for Claw to fight Boxer ??

Stay focus during multi-hit throw rushdown to know on which side to block/charge
Reversal Throw as an anti-rushdown on multi-hit Throw Loop / Cross Down
Scarlet Terror combo 3 hit against Dash Upper from too far or Down HP that breaks Dash Low if you have good reactions.

Sliding (maybe your best normal in this match up with DOWN MP)

Safe jumps then punish the Headbutts if it has been used by the oppenent (11 frames of start up, easy to safe jump)


Claw vs Cammy

6 - 4, hard match up for Claw, based on defense, reaction and being patient.

Cammy’s Strenght :

  • High priority Normal Moves :

  • The Super Turbo Best Air Command Throw :

  • A lot of Invicible properties on various moves :

Dragon with active frames at the 4th frame

SpinKnuckle LP invincible on lower part of the body for 33 frame

Super invincible for 40 frame

  • Special Throw very fast to come out, with big damages

  • Stunning Combos based on cross up on wake up (espacially on Claw and it’s low stun bar)

All this thing could be scary at first but Claw has powerfull weapons, including his famous punish capability :
Cammy launches Dragon ? Punish with down mp
Cammy launches Drill ? Punish with down mp
Cammy launches Special Throw ? Punish with standing :lp: easy on reaction during her start up
Cammy falls back on the ground ? Go on your infinite Barcelona Loop
Cammy is poking at half-range ? Just let her go on her little dancing but get ready to punish a potential Special Throw. Be patient.
Cammy launches SpinKnuckle ? Slide
Cammy launches SpinKnuckle in one fo your pokes ? Block !

Cammy has no particular option to attack Claw, all she can do is pressing and make you asleep and then launch Special Throw, but if you have reaction, you can make it whiff with Dwon LP or punish it with Scarlet.


Claw vs Chun’Li

6 - 4 ! Almost fair match up ! Avoid stun, you don’t have a decent Stun Bar !

Barcelona Loop works on her at the condition that you open your arms very early in the air to avoid Dragon Kick or a air to air attack from her, like jumping LK, if you open too late your arms, Chun Li could beat it with her Tenshokyaku that is 10 frames invicible. It’s right after this 10 frames of invincibility that you must hit her, there is a time-hole of 4 frames where she is hittable with no active frames, after these 4 frames, she get a new big active box but is still hittable and trade is at your advantage.

Some Chun can spend their time abusing of her mind game of standing MP or MP Throw or hop kick. So you must find space in front of you, don’t let her come close, use your down MP or you have better immediatly pull out your next quarter to play.

On standing position, you must have a mid-distance turtle behaviour. This give you the ability to react on fireball by jumping in with HP then turtle again, you can poke with DOWN MP and you can do HK if she jumps and keep your back charge in the same way.

Don’t use Sky High Claw + Claw Attack if she has the Super or else, on block, she can punish you.

If on your wake up Chun lauch a bad timed Neck Breaker (Chun Hop Kick), just wake up by jumping back with MP , else if the timing is correct, just block normally, not as cross up.

This match up in my mind is a rush down for both characters, I use to say that the first on the ground is dead, so avoid the wipe kick.

In the air, chun has good option and Claw too, so it’s just a question of minding the jums and the type of jumps.

Chun can break Barcelona attacks with jump LP or MP or HP

If you know Chun’li is trying to mind a Flying Barcelona Attack when you are both full screen away : 2 possibilities :

  • Open up your arms very early to surprise your oppenent and beat the begining of the jump

  • Don’t do a Barcelona, do a Sky High Claw :hp: + Claw Attack ! Faster to cross the screen Chun’s reaction won’t be quick enought !


Claw vs Claw

QSound Chip goes “Youhou MODE” !

Against a Barcelona Attack

Vertical Jump HP or Backjump MP or Far HK

Sky High Claw + Claw Attack LP

KKK then Throw

If your are waking up against Barcelona Loop :

  • In corner situation : Reversal Scarlet Terror if it is a meaty Barcelona or close HP if the opponent is “very upward and a little bit late” or Far HK if the opponents comes from forward

  • Other situation if the loop is on a good meaty timing : REVERSAL :3k: + punish

  • Other situation if the loop is on late timing : Slide or you can even go for Forward Barcelona

Do not hesitate to do some random fake Barcelona to make your opponent move in the air and punish a late jump with Scarlet Terror.
Use Far HP to poke on some DOWN MP (trade is at your advantage if double hit.

Never forget that a Barcelona Attack can’t crosses up you if you have touched the corner.

Take a look at some ARG games : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uppu23BNXtE

To beat a Claw, be the master of the air before he does.


Claw vs DeeJay

6-4, there are similarities with Guile Match up but you have to master some subtilities.
Jack-Knife is a very good anti-air but is not the ultimate weapon against your Barcelona, DJ sliding goes for away, his Jump LP is cheap, Down HP is a trap and DJ has good stuning combos. These things are your main problems.



Ground Game:
Jack Knife goes hitting very high in the air son it will wiff on a lot of your DOWN normals, but a lot of them can be beaten by DJ Sliding, you would get grounded and then the okizeme phase could be deadly.

This weapon has his use in this match up, it’s an indirect key to win ! You can’t use it as a front attack because DJ has to many possibilities to beat it. You must do fake Barcelona Attack to make DJ lauch a Jack-Knife, then punish it, it will give you a lot of possibilities then because the DJ player won’t know if on this attempt you are faking or not and he will eventually freeze in his head. Also good reactive players can see your fake, just walk and punish you with a far poke.



Claw vs Dhalsim

7 - 3: very big advantage for Claw

Easy game on a far distance, easy game if you put him on the ground because Sim has no option on wake up against Barcelona Attack, hard time for your ass if the Sim puts you to the corner with a Yoga Train.

  1. Yoga Train

Ultimate Sim pressure tool, similar to Fei Long corner pressing it’s a ST Edition of Shi Fu Mi with some safe options : Low Altitude Drills, Sliding, Delayed SUPER, blocking on Claw Wake up, multi hit throw, magic cross up or hit high/hit low Drill, meaty Yoga Flame… Shit it hurts my brain so much, thinking about all that shitstorm that can fall on you…

Vidéo : http://youtu.be/iy-TAM_LVN0?t=4m49s See the entire matchs.

  1. Sim’s “Back LP”



3 frames start up, 9 actives
This NORMAL MOVE is a plague ! It’s the “best” Sim weapon to break a late loop of Barcelona Attack. It stops your loop and expose you to immediate pressure of Sim and the Yoga Train.

  1. Yoga Blast


If Sim is cornered, and you want to attack from full screen, don’t go Barcelona, you can’t cross up, so Sim just has to lauch the Blast, so you go to the ground, so your are dead.
In a same way, don’t try jump in, stay far away !
Yoga Blast and Barcelona Expectation has one big weakness : the Sky High Claw + Claw Attack, so mindfuck your oppenent with variations and Fake Barcelona.

  1. Others

If you are close to Sim on his wake up, Cristal Roll is cheap, it is throwable only alf the time by a reversal throw and if Sim use BACK Teleport there is chance he falls back in the roll, big damage guaranteed and maybe stun if you don’t miss the DOWN MP combo at the end.






Pokers Sim can be grounded by a well felt Scarlet full screen away and open the door to a Barcelona Loop :wink:


Claw vs Dictator

5 - 5 a little in Claw favor. This match up is “First Knockdown loses the round” :

Violent Matchup : Dictator has Stun Combos and Touch of Death then. Always remember Claw has a weak stun meter.
Dictator Cross Up are devastating on wake up, because if Claw goes for the Scarlet, it will whiff and then Dictator goes back the overway and catch you back with Jumping double MP, it will be a guess from Dictator but very powerfull if he notices you always go for the Scarlet on wake up against his cross up.


Dictator far :mk: and far :hk: are pretty annoying. Hard to beat, you can play trick a little bit against that with Claw far :lk: but it will just be for the show, a gimmick. Still, it can force Dictator to go to something else.


The Loop works fine here. Dictator has no interesting reversal, excepted Super, and still, you can break charge by switching side. Be carefull, Dictator wakes up quicker than the average character and his hurtbox is very large, hit him far on his back for the cross up.

Sky High Claw + Claw Attack is too dangerous to use : if he blocks, it is a guaranteed PsychoCrusher punish and then okizeme.

If Dictator goes for random Scisors Kick / PsychoCrusher, don’t miss that big opportunity to react with 3 hit Scarlet Terror and then Loop.



Against Head Stomp, any vertical jump punches are good ![/spoiler]


Claw vs Fei Long

6 - 4 or even better for Claw, stressfull matchup because you must not let him come to you freely, just don’t end in the corner or get thrown.

Fei Long has great dizzy combos and Claw has one of the lowest Stun Meter of the game, so pray for Fei to miss his confirm if he touches you! When you are pressured, think twice before trying to do some random Scarlet.

Down MP is a great poke here. Don’t abuse too much of it, or a random but efficient Flame Kick could bring you down and cause your loss. Loop is interesting here again, pretty easy to break Feilong Reversal Flame Kick in his back.


Rekku Kyaku is a terrible pressure tool from FeiLong, but it has a long start up and very recognizable, so you have time to react on a random one and go for Scarlet, then Loop :



If you don’t have your charge against Rekku Kyaku, Block it or jump back, don’t try to break it.
If you are crazy enough, you can try to make it whiff above you Down LP thanks to that wonderfull Claw hurtbox that goes long forward, and then throw FeiLong.


Claw vs Guile

Match Up 7 - 3, outrageously for Claw thanks to his long range and quick claw attacks!

Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXkh6bZDOGw

Turtle Guile won’t be that much efficient against Claw ! Just push him in the corner, with Down MP, Slide, far HP, far MP… Your medium / hard move are good. Take care about those Flash Kick and Sobat Kick from Guile, they could be annoying and block your attempts to push him.




When you harass Guile in the corner, go for some throw too! Claw is one of the faster walkers of the game, use it at your advantage!

Very often, when you will be pushing Guile with slide, he will do some back jump in the corner, don’t miss that opportunity to slide under him and launch a 3 hit Scarlet.


Loop is a good weapon for Claw here, but you have to master the wake up timing and go for CrossUp everytime with a good speed in the air to avoid Reversal Flash Kick, when whiffed, just Slide to bring down Guile again and repeat.

In a neutral situation, you can also try a random barcelona to bait a Flash Kick. Don’t do it too often, Guile will adapt and just walk forward + jump HK to break it.

Le Sky High Claw + Claw Attack can be a pressure tool too, but it won’t be you main weapon.

Being in the corner against Guile is not a too bad situation. He can make your Scarlet whiff but there will always be a hole in the pressure to fly away

Against Guile cross up on you wake up, if he is late, a Down LP then Throw can save you for sure.


Claw vs Honda

6 - 4, life lead and first knockdown will be the key

Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k2E-zKEE9c
This perfectly sums up the way to play Claw against Honda.

If Honda pushes you in the corner, you will be in trouble, because of Oicho Loop, but if you avoid this situation, even being late on life bar, you have a chance to win.

You best tools :

Back Jump HP against Headbutt

Keep your Down Back charge always ready to answer any random Doskoi Headbutt.

Barcelona Forward breaks Headbutt charge, so just never do a random Backward Barcelona, just don’t be predictable on you Forward Barcelona.


Sliding to catch back a Sumo Smash that avoided your Loop

Any jumping punch will break Sumo Smash

What to do during th fight :
Take life lead. To do so, you have LP Roll when you see Honda building up meter with 1000 Slaps. Take care not to do it too often, it is breakable by Honda Stand LP. To take life lead if Honda is not in the corner, you can go for Forward Barcelona, it is risky because Honda jumping Axe Punch will beat your Barcelona Attack.
As soon as you have life lead, step back and wait for opponent mistakes, you have all the requested tools to win in defense.

Never attack straightly Honda !! Patience is very important here again, just like against Blanka.

if you see Honda doing infinite back jumps to break your forward barcelona, go for one single Superman + Claw Attack LP¨to take him down.


Loop, is very important, take car no to land to close from Honda in case he blocks it, he can go for Oichonage, always go for a direction that will make you avoid Sumo Press. With good speed and angle, you can manage to choose to hit forward or backward and still always land safely on the back.



Claw vs Ken

6 - 4 : Loop if very intersting as Ken is a motion character, taking a DP can lead you quickly to lose, so be sure of your loop. You can also punish random DPs from pretty far away, and jump over fireball to punish with HP because Ken is so long at recovering from fireball…

Floating Air Tatsumaki can be tricky to punish, Ken will faint a simple jumping attack and then float over your Scarlet Terror, so maybe a simple Stand HK can be a better punish to jumping Kens.

Don’t try to punish Ken DPs with a throw, Down MK and Down MP are safer to use.





If Ken throws random tatsu, just go for the classic Scarlet 3 hits.



A good strategy for Claw against Ken is to push him in the corner and break fireball startupps with far MK or Down MP and punish random tatsus. Keep a medium range distance, avoid random jumps, just wait for mistakes and poke with unconsistant rhythm.

Don’t play this match up too fancy in your punishes. Especially if you punish a random Super, just jump back HP punish in the air. Juste never do any random Barcelona, because HP Shoryu beat 100% of the time.


Claw vs Ryu

6 - 4 : clearly in Claw advantage !


This match up feels to me very close from Ken one’s, Ryu has less mixup, fireball game is better, super feels also more dangerous, and jumping MP is beating your Barcelona Attack, opening to big damages if Ryu has Super. Mastering the mid-range fight will be the key to victory.


Don’t jump on Ryu. You have a strong ground game to handle the versus. Also, you could do some random bait fake barcelona to expect a simple DP and then punish it with a slide. This strategy can work indeed, but a skillfull Ryu won’t just do a DP, he will go for a Solar Plexus and then DP so he reaches a distance that even if you don’t open the arms in the air, he will beat you.

Loop isn’t working in theory against Ryu because of the OS DP/Tatsu he can use on wake up.

If you are trapped in the corner agains a hado trap, just use KKK flip to break the rhythm.


Claw vs Sagat

7 - 3 very big advantage for Claw

Here are the weakness of the opponent :

A bad DP with accessible hurtbox, very easy to beat or trade with Barcelona.

Bad Tiger Shots :

Poke, Jump HP, slide, Down HP… You have many tools to counter or punish it.

Watch out for “dash tiger knee to throw” : Scarlet Terror is once again the good answer.

Don’t go for random Barcelona, Jump LP of Sagat will beat it.

You will probably face more Old Sagat than New Sagat. The match up is a little bit more hard, maybe 6-4, Tiger Shot are better and his DP will grant him much more damage, so watch out for these.


Claw vs T. Hawk

7 - 3 : no doubt this is for you. Once again, defence is all, and a good loop will give you the rest you need to win.

Defending against Hawk :

Far HK is one of you most important move again.

3 Hit Scarlet Terror is perfect here again, and open the way to the Loop.

Manage you distance, poking and anti air, and there will be nothing Hawk can do against you.




Dangerous part of the matchup :

Down LP, it breaks all your pokes.

Sliding through it is a good answer, don’t hesitate from time to time, but don’t be predictable, a DP could come out!

If you end in the corner, a good THawk can kill you with ease! Only a KKK can save you from the famous DP/360 OS.

Some THawk like to bait your guard while they make Condor Dive whiff, and then they surprise you with a 360 : just never miss you anti air.


Claw vs Zangief

7 - 3 : pretty easy match up for Claw if he keeps a good distance between him and Gief

To understand the match ups, here is a list of things :

  • Check those Lariat Hitbox !

  • Great counter-poke from Zangief : Down LP and Down HK

  • Gief has great anti air, Jumping LP and Jumping Headbutt :

  • Spinning Pile Diver tick throw

Although Gief has some decent tools to beat you, here are all you weapons to take him down :

  • To press and attack :

HP Sky High Claw + Claw Attack, don’t overuse it, but it remains a very strong pressure tool against Zangief from full screen

Punish all those random Lariat with the Slide Attack and then Barcelona Loop.

Pressing on long range, take care of the mashed Lariat

  • To defend :

Reversal Scarlet Terror anti tick throw

Reversal back flip anti tick throw KKK

Down HP and Far HK are anti jump-in

  • The Loop :

Gief match up tends quickly to be a 10 - 0 when you knock him down. No Reversal with perfect invicibility for Gief. Take care of the outstanding hitboxes of Gief on the ground and air game.

  • Lariat is a one frame start up
  • Close LP is a one frame start up
  • Jump stuning headbutt has 3 frames of start up


Claw vs Gouki

There is something that always works, I don’t know what else to do : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0

More seriously, in theory, you cannot Loop over him, fireball game is the best of the Shotos, tatsu has invicible startup and active frames and juggle potential, Akuma will stun you very easily, DP is invicible all the way up… But you can still punish his moves like a regular Ken or Ryu and he has no overhead attack to mix you up, so it is not impossible to beat him, maybe just a 3 - 7 or 4 - 6 match up for the demon. But still, for the records, one day, the best Old Ken player ever, PECO, played Gouki against MAO after training his Gouki on this very purpose, just to beat MAO. MAO won the challenge.

Wow. Good work on these. If someone can get these translated into English, I can add it to the srk wiki. It will be tricky adding those images in order, but I’ll figure it out.

That would be awesome but I’m still looking for some feedback from the fr community. Maybe I could handle the translation by myself.

I started reading seriously until I saw you describe some of Blanka’s moves as saloperies and I just burst out laughing. I could feel the pain through the text.

It’s true ^^ I had a lot of hard time against him… too impatient :slight_smile:

I haven’t looked at much other than the blanka one but it seems very nicely done.

You can if you want add a small note of stand lk as an option for close range electricity that would trade with slide.
Also stand mk is another option against horisontal balls as it is the best at beating it clean and there isn’t much else blanka will do at max range.

I understand Shari :slight_smile: I’ll run an update with your remark on st. LK and far MK !

Of course if anyone has a remark or anything to add about a match up, feel free to contribute !

Translation on the run… :stuck_out_tongue:

Blanka done !

Thank you! I’ll add it to the SRK wiki.

Boxer done !

I hope you will have some feed back on these writtings !

Oh, great! They’re in depth and very useful. Thank you for doing them. I have edited them slightly for readability and for button naming conventions etc. on the wiki.

Haha I laughted reading your edit ^^ more safe for work language lol !

But, just to be sure that we mean the same thing :

By these words, I mean : Blanka Slide means he is on an aggressive behaviour, his next move may still be very agressive, maybe an other Slide, or a Dash Forward + Throw or maybe a Jumping Attack, so Claw must not try anything right after the Slide, just wait to see what Blanka will do, and then react.

Thank you Hanasu ! I will keep on translating this topic on the upcoming dayz, I will even edit it to make it looks like more to what you have already written about Blanka on the wiki :slight_smile:

I think we are saying the same thing, yes. I did edit your language a bit, to make it seem a bit more ‘official’ :smiley: I hope that is not a problem.

No it’s okay don’t worry :slight_smile:

Cammy is done :slight_smile:

Boxer and Cammy added.

I just subscribed on the wiki :slight_smile: I guess I can now do it, don’t worry about Hanasu :slight_smile: Thanks for help !

I stopped checking that french forum because there was a period of like 3 weeks where there was no activity. I didn’t realize the forum was still active. I’ll probably make a translation if I can find the time. I’ll probably check in on those forums again to see if there’s anything I can contribute.

hm, not much has happened on the chun li and cammy forums, which is really my only area of expertise.

Chun’li - Claw - Dee Jay - Dhalsim update :wink: