Matador Video Thread

i just got the goose fucking bumps from watchin those vids!

So sick.

Shit that was amazing, Ed Ma is a force to be reckoned, also I would probably get all nervous if there is a guy behind me yelling "OMG!"everytime he gets a chance…that was funny btw who was that? And you guys were right about 2 things:

1.Vega requires lots of patience -points at Tatsu vs Gootecks-
2. Tatsu was indeed the MVP, congrats guys. :party:

Me. The OMG thing is an inside joke down here.

damn good shit tatsu

Well, I have a tourny tomorrow and theres a chance I’m going to end up fighting Arturo.Tatsu’s match vids were all I needed. GET FUCKING HYPE

Man I think Vega will be alright.

Best thread ever. :3

you can tell Gootecks was really off his game… never headbutting any of Tatsu’s jump-outs after rolling claw, missing TWO Ultra opportunities after headbutts, and resorting to random Ultra to end a round. it really looks like he went easy on him; that might’ve been the worst I’ve seen him play.

i doubt it.

at certain times he did a headbutt after he wall dived where the wall dive crossed him over so he couldnt do ultra. he did not go easy on him trust me on this. they were sent ot losers by this team and then had to play them in grand finals. they didnt go easy i can assure you.

to me it sounds like someone who is desperately clutching to their tier list(which is fine for him, but this was game day, probably the last major-level tournament before console comes out, with the rep on the line, and even if gootecks wasn’t “at his best,” tatsu was, and the fact that he went on to almost OCV shows that at the very least on that day, tatsu was better than him.)

Gootecks is a pretty sound player. He knows Balrog better than most people who use him, and he’s good at reading the vibes and capitalizing on the tendencies of the people he’s playing. However, Tatsu is one of the few people who can consistently beat high-ranking players who use high-tiered characters. I’d say, his reputation precedes him.

To put it simply, he was shook. Bebop getting hype in the background people didn’t help him much, either :rofl:.

No one is invincible at a game. No one.

I know, right? That dude is almost as annoying as the people on this thread who constantly ask questions to things that were answered several posts back. :wink:

oh nice that was you? Damn you’re annoying lol! :rofl:

What the fuck is this shit about AI getting rid of commentators 'cause of whiny bitches complaining on youtube? Fuck that shit.

yeah for real, i appreciate the socal vids primarily BECAUSE of the commentary, otherwise they’re pretty much like any other run of the mill match vids around

Did IGN changed the damage settings? cr.hp and st.hp take alot of your opponent’s life… :confused:

Vega: Choke on your own blood!<<< Win

the voice actor they got for vega is really good.