Mashed Potatoes - The Hugo Combo, setups and character specific tech thread

Well yea but i think hugos meter is more important for that gdlk super dmg than for fishing for throws. I’d like to have some setups to land a non-EX UT

Sounds like lab work to me. On paper it’ll be best after Leap attack or after MP or HP Clap since they give you the most frame advantage. I think the range is real slim on non EX UT though. I forget.

As far as the EX meter management, you’ll get 400 for the super combo, but 4 EX backbreakers is 720. I guess it’ll depend on the matchup. But I don’t know if hoarding super for every match would be as beneficial as using it on EX moves wisely.

I always thought that the kara UT was done by karaing s.MP, and not palm.
Karaing EX UT is really hard if you don’t want to use the KKK shortcut.

Yup, meaty Leap attack into UT works beautifully. Also, found that whiffing LP clap into meaty UT (or any throw really) is really good when you score a hark knockdown. you can mix it up with a meaty HP clap instead of the meaty UT too.

Whiffing MP or HP clap is a lot better, LP clap has quite a bit of recovery. MP and HP only have like 5-6 frames of recovery.

I’m starting to think Guile matchup = Pick another character or lose.

cr.Lk xx blocked LP Clap > UT was pretty much the main setup KSK was using in the vids posted on youtube.

yep, im going back to sim for guiles, poisons, goukens, sagats and roses

If the OP is not going to keep the first post updated, I will be happy too. Sifting through this stuff sucks!

Tested and confirmed. Exact Inputs are as follows

hcb+lp~lk(or kk)

It’s a pretty difficult plink Iguess. If u get clap u are hittng the kick I out too slow.

I havent read this combo but if you manage to absorb and hit with EX lariat them out of the air you can back breaker.

EDIT: missing text

I’m an idiot and posted this in the wrong thread, so I’m just gonna copy paste.

“Found something while I was messing around in the lab today that could be used to bait reversals (loses to 3 frames). Cr. mk > dash > MP slap. Leaves you right up in their face.”

you can also ultra 2

You can also armor into ultra throw wich is really nice

Suggestion: I would create a “VS Character” thread for each character in this forum and a master thread linking ot each one.

It takes a lot of time but is worth it.

People can quickly jump to the character they want to find tech/matchup advice about, all the data is organized, and there will be less repeating of information a page after it has been posted.

I’d also say create an “ask a question” thread where new Hugo players can ask simple questions which eventually becomes a FAQ of sorts, but we are all noobing it at this point so yeah.

I’ll try and get on it. Hopefully others step up

it’s even worse vs juri. Yolo ex meat squasher/lariat or die.

Why is none of the threads in the Hugo section stickied? Like the combos, matchups and vids???

It’s best to not sticky any “compilation” threads made by people who have no intention of sticking around but just wanted their name up there.

Give it a few days to see who sticks around.

You can catch fireball release with EX BB or U2 if you have the yomi though. You can also combo into super from MS if you land it.