Mas Stick on PS3? Is there an adapter, or get another stick?

Hey guys, for games like Soul Calibur 4 and Street Fighter 4 coming out, what is the best solution going to be for an arcade stick.

I hate to buy a new one considering I have 2 Mas Sticks in perfect condtion. With that said are there any adapters out ther that would allow me to use my Mas Sticks that have PS2 conection on my PS3 with no Lag.

If not what do you reccomend in the way of a PS3 arcade stick?


There are a few converters out there for ps->ps3 that will work

Some may be hard to find, and some are untested.

Look around in that thread and you will find answers.

thanks shoo

has anyone tested what adapters work best with a mas stick?

Ask there ^^^

This section isn’t for this kind of discussion and a lot of people take that to heart.

Look around here

sorry bout that shoo…

I will look where you suggested! :slight_smile: