Marvel's Beatdown @ E-Spot Billiards(Richmond, BC) April 16th

I’m also one of the PS3 faithful. I might pick up a 360 stick before the tournament, but I was wondering if there were going to be any extra sticks or what the turnout looks like for people with 360 sticks that are willing to lend. :x

Either way, I’m sure I’ll be there. I haven’t been to a tourney in a while.

Hey Moo, silly question, just wanted to double-check… am I correct that this tourney REPLACES the one that was originally tentatively announced for the 9th?

That is correct :slight_smile:

hey will there be a ps3 set up for ps3 pad players? Me and my buddy will be going
hope someone will lend me there xbox stick… D:

No ps3’s. Jackson should be there providing dual mods though.

Thinking about going 0-2 in this tourney, hopefully I can get a 360 stick for Sunday!



  1. Clarence & Ray
  2. Samson aka (The Chinese Hulk) & Terence Li
  3. Alexey & AL


  1. Albert (Ghank)
  2. RayNogg
  3. Kula
  4. Jae
  5. Hei Wai
  6. Executioner
  7. Jason
  8. Victa

Thanks goes out to all of those who came out today to participate and help out, and especially those who voluntereed to lend us their setups. :slight_smile:


Great tourney. Got randomed out of losers, but I enjoyed the event a lot. Good shit Justin, your team is very professional and organized.

I’m salty so I gotta ask, when’s the next one? =]