Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Thread (PSN)

So much for MvC2 being another HD Remix. The pixels on my television are the size of postage stamps.

I’ll probably buy it anyway, despite already having it for DC and XBOX. Always liked it, though i was never particularly good at it; i’m sure it’ll be a blast having my scrubby ass handed to me over and over again online. Heh.

Isn’t the easiest set up j. hk?? Then its lp, lp, lk, hp. Idk I might be wrong, I havent played the game in a long time :confused:

Yeah, dude. That’s the first combo I tested to see if anything had changed in the demo and it worked.

I was able to juggle with j.lp > j.lp > > up j.hp.

Anybody heard when it might become available? I’m guessing mid-May or early-June, because based on the demo I don’t think they have much left to do.

what sucks is the widescreen support, basically they show the background 2 or so inches both left and right, but when moving back you find where it cuts off and the rest is just the background picture, eg when strider grabs wall its at this deadzone, spidey super, he goes to deadzone not edge of screen, same with cross overs at this deadzone.

i mean thats kinda lazy man, i know they didnt wanna mess with the aspect ratio but included widescreen support but c’mon man, this dead zone is really disappointing

any 1 else feel this deadzone needs to be corrected?

Hell, i hadn’t even noticed that. How did they deal with that in SF2T:HDR? I didn’t buy HDR(SF4 was just too close), but did wonder about how they managed to elongate the playing field without screwing up the pace and balance of the gameplay…

Given that the vs. games do have a much higher vertical plane than traditional 2D fighters, they could always crop the screen at the top so it would fit, but that would screw around with a lot of people’s aerial games(ie, someone would be spending even more time offscreen)…

the demo is ass, not touching that thing again till the full release is out. How the funk could they have not put one cpu match in it for one player? Or at least give it a training mode.

It feels like the combo system is somehow different. the IM infinite rhythm feels different then on DC/Arcade. Maybe it’s because I haven’t played in a while.

i know its already been said but the demo sucks big time.

I was forced to play against my little sister who didnt even touch video games in her life :S

is Backbone doing the net code for this game like they did for HDremix?


Damn. They suck pretty bad (ie HDremix, Bomberman).

Heard this game is coming out Monday (6/29). Can anyone confirm?

End of July according to this

:u: Bummer. I was getting excited. :lol:

I’ll buy it because it’s from Capcom, but I ain’t playing it competitively. I play the game like I’m already on mushyrooms, hahahaha!!

Needless to say Xbox is gettin theirs the 29th(July), and from all the talk ive read(from various places) PSN isnt gettin it till after, all i gotta say is if this is the truth ima be PISSED! Anyone heard diff?

i am horrible at MvC2 but i am buying the retail version and im going to get wrecked online

Looks like we’re getting it on Aug. 13th, while XBL gets it on the 29th this month.

whatever it is i HOPE it isn’t gonna be exactly like the demo cuz . . . the demo SUX. it was so pixelated that i didn’t even bother playing it twice.