Marvel Comics Thread

you must show proof of said cover

:rofl: I thought the cover was the link you posted earlier or was that something else??? It seemed like a dope poster ass cover if it was though…

Edit: Found some more dope ass art of Ultimates2 #13!!!

Okay here’s the cover at

Does anybody else like Mac Gargan as Venom? :wonder:

I read the Drax the Destroyer mini that starts out the Annihilation hardcover…I was very impressed. Giffen can be hit or miss but Drax was definitely a fun read that introduced or reintroduced some cool characters.

Some people in the old comic book thread did, I don’t. I liked him in Beyond though, hated Millar’s Spider-Man run and I quit the New Thunderbolts due to it being hella boring. I think his problem with me is that he’s so far only been in one story I liked.

I’ll take Eddie Brock over Gargan any day. He’s making a comeback in Sensational Spidey soon, but I get the feeling he won’t ‘really’ be Venom in the story. New Avengers is supposed to have a story where they fight an army of symbiotes later on so anything is possible though.

And they should of kept the Scorpion Tale he had in Beyond. :wonder:

ultimates2 13 is out finally?

So I was lurking on 4chan the other day, and they were posting a comic supposedly written by Mark Millar. It was bout Aunt May, Uncle Ben and Pete’s parents. All young and promiscuous.
It apparently suggests that Aunt May is Spidey’s mum among other things. Oh and I think Dodson was the artist, if that helps. I have scans if needed.

Anyone know what it is?!

And there you go. :rofl:

It was Marvel Knights Spider-Man. Not good! IMHO anyway. You can pretty much ignore the possibility of Aunt May being his mom (if that was even the case in the story, I’m not too sure it was but my memory is a little fuzzy on that) along with a secret organization creating all of Spidey’s old school villains because Marvel does anyway… only long standing thing from that ‘train wreck’ they kept was Gargan Venom. Nice artwork but that’s about it, Frank Cho’s issue in the story is really drawn well. There’s continuity errors in the story too (Spidey still using web shooters which makes no sense in light of Venom being in the story and this taking place after their last fight when he had organic webs, Eddie willingly giving up the suit when that was deemed impossible the last time they fought) but I won’t bore you - oops I think I just did. :sweat:

Read Civil War instead, if you haven’t. Despite the not so great ending it’s still a much better work than Millar’s Spider-Man arc. I’d stay away from Millar’s Wolverine Enemy of the State story too overall but it at least has a few bright spots.

your talking about Trouble. I have it from a convention, but I never read it.

Don’t know if my country does FCBD or not, but either way I wasn’t able to get to the shop. I’m hoping someone could post a picture of Jackpot, the possible super powered MJ.


I would like to know where I can purchase Deadpool comics. I’d really appretiate it if it was from the first issue from 1997 and after, or at least as much of his comic issues as possible.
It’d be best if I can purchase them online since I don’t live in the USA and it would be great if it were on Amazon so that way I can ask a bookshop to purchase it for me.

Marvel stuff I read this week, talked about Hulk books in the WWH thread.

Sensational Spidey Annual - Great story about Spidey & MJ’s relationship. How can anyone want to split them up after reading this? Sano angrily glares at Quesada…

Friendly Spidey - So we finally know who Ms. Arrow is! Still the best Spidey book on the racks IMHO.

Omega Flight - Yeah that’s what I’m talking about, USAgent being bitter talking a lot of crap! :rofl: I like Arachne’s / Julia Spider Woman’s new outfit.

Ms. Marvel and Avengers Initiative were also good reads. Haven’t read Marvel Zombies vs. Ash 3 yet…

^ there’s this handy site…think it’s called Ebay.

Enjoying Annihilation, but damn - could Marvel have ripped off Green Lantern any more with Nova?? Not to mention ripping Ron Marz’s entire origin story for Kyle Rayner on top of that.

Yeah the Sensational Spidey annual was great. If there is a breakup on the horizon its’ going to be a lot worse now :stuck_out_tongue:

Well they dropped a hint that Jackpot may become real, (the Spidey FCBD story is out of continuity) if that’s Marvel’s way of dealing with the marriage… I dunno, anything is better than a death or a divorce but they still smokin’ crack… :rofl:

So I was skimming through the Comics fourm of 4Chan when I stumbeld upon an image of…

Random Thingy


Cap’s body in a tube being looked at/analyzed by Iron Man


^Plz tell me u were expecting that, cuz I knew he’d come back one way or the other.


Pics or it didn’t happen.



Oh, it happened!