Marvel Comics Thread

Only Marvel Comics worth reading right now.

3.Punisher Max

This concludes the list. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

if adub comes back, i know i’m really stretching it, by asking for this but fuck it. can we get some thanos ressurection and a duo, thanos/adub vs everyone for some kind of ultimate power source (that hasn’t been done)?

otherwise, ill prob just grab his books in conquest because i haven’t read anything in the conquest line thusfar.

Yeah I have interests to see what the hell is going on. Im a bit behind in the xmen world and a bit curious. In regards to conquest im a bit late by just finishing drax the destroyer. im focusing on finishing the first annihilation saga before i even start on this one.

adub? who in the hell is adub?

In regards to marvel comics ive read.
I wasnt too fond of the WWH tieins. Alot of them were not needed. you think that marvel would have done a tiein for each member of the illuminati. they did xmen and iron man but what about strange and black bolt?

mighty avengers was a good read but you think that sentry would kill ultron? shit i dont care if tony in there. you just dont kill a man’s wife without circumstances.

Black panther was decent but not too great but the scene with all of xmen (:looney:) in particular rogue.


Almost an utter phail, but you put Punisher Max in there, so it worked out to just be a regular phail.

New Avengers and Cable and Deadpool are both seriously awesome lately. Random Deadpool team-ups is where the funny is at while the Hood rising to power is simply awesome.

Anyone been reading the Captain American mini series Chosen One or The Silver Surfer mini by JMS?

I just finished reading Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #24. This is part 2 of One More Day. Although I’m really afraid this story could totally screw up the Spidey books, I must say that I am very impressed with the story thus far. The writing is very moving and Joe Q’s artwork is right on the money. Even with my newfound respect for Garney, I don’t think his art would have worked for this story.

The Silver Surfer: Reign mini was all right. It wasn’t amazing but it wasn’t bad. Sometimes I kick myself for spending 4 bucks per issue… But then I can’t help it, I’m a Silver Surfer whore. The story is a meditation on who the Surfer is and it’s got kind of that old-school '60s Stan Lee idealism. The art’s really nice, too. It’s a good read, I just don’t think it’s worth paying 20 bucks for the HC or however much it costs.

I’ve read the first two issues of the MK Cap mini and I’m sort of getting the same feeling. It’s going to make a nice standalone graphic novel but 4 bucks per issue is just asking too much. And this is obviously going to be collected - it’s written by a novelist - so I am not bothering buying the issues. If they make this a Premiere Edition HC for 20 bucks, it might be worth it. The Silver Surfer mini was only four issues, and this Cap story is going to be six.

Yeah Young Avengers is great. I’m wondering when it will start up again. Heinberg seems to know what he’s doing and the artwork by Jimmy Cheung and even the backup artist Andrea Divito was excellent

I really like Cheung’s art but Divito’s art in YA kind of let me down. I think he was trying to draw kind of similar to Cheung’s style so the TPB would look better, but it didn’t work for me. His faces seemed off and there were some scenes during the Hyde/Patriot fight that I think could have looked better. Divito’s stuff in Thor and The Thing looked a lot better to me for some reason.

It’s currently my mc moniker, but I think he means Adam Warlock.

oh then uh ok

was endangered species any good?


Captain America: The Chosen is odd stuff. The first issue, IMO, was great. Lotsa people thought it was mediocre or bad, but I thought it was pretty damn awesome.

After the second issue, though, it’s gotten kinda silly. Spoilers through issue 3 below:



It’s about a dying Captain America…but not from getting capped (lulz) at the end of the Civil War…some damn thing with the serum wearing off or cancer. He just refers to his dying as “sickness.” Anyway, Cap’s apparently able to astral project himself or something, and he starts communicating with a soldier in Iraq, and helps him keep his sanity. It’s seeming like the ending might end up canon, however. People allude to Cap picking the new Captain America, and the guy’s a gunslinger, so it’s possible that Marvel will pull something with The Chosen like they did with The Sentry back in 2000, where part of the mini-series ends up canon and make him the new Cap.

It has some nice art, and acceptable writing, but the story is just kinda odd. Worth reading? Maybe.

Maybe I’ll pick up some Cable Deadpool comics to see what the fuss is all about. I love characters who break the 4th wall.

Any good Captain America trades someone can recommend?

I picked up Sider-Man 3 on DVD today. I agree with most that there’s way too many seperate plots going on. In fact, when the movie started, I wasn’t digging it too much. But the movie redeemed itself midway through. Symbiote Peter is just too broken. Oh and the Stan Lee cameo was the best of any cameos he’s made in all the Spidey flicks. I LOLed when he spoke “Nuff said.” :rofl: As much as I trumpet MJ over Gwen in the comics, Gwen was the hotness in Spidey 3. MJ just looked like sloppy seconds next to Gwen. Oh and the action scenes were top notch stuff.

oh please god i hope they don’t go that route.

I’ll be more content with Winter Soldier being the next Captain America than some random soldier.

It’s alright. Has some ups and downs but not really a must read IMHO.

The Chosen isn’t necessarily in continuity. It sure doesn’t really have anything to do with Brubaker’s Cap. Originally, The Chosen was going to be titled “Captain America: The End” but they changed it due to Bru’s Death of the Dream storyline. Most of the Marvel Knights books don’t really reflect hardcore continuity. They just aim to tell iconic, graphic novel-type stories about the character.

You gotta check out Grant Morrison’s Animal Man. Best use of the fourth wall ever.

For Cap, start with the first Brubaker TPB, The Winter Soldier volume 1. Or if you got the money, spring for the Brubaker Cap Omnibus. Other than that, Truth: Red, White, and Black is pretty great. So was the Cap Lives TPB by Dave Gibbons/Lee Weeks (it collects an arc from the MK Captain America series that ended before Bru began the current volume).

New Avengers isn’t horrible. I like the consistent artwork. The book ultimately succeeds despite Bendis. Maybe the Hood storyline will resolve sometime in 2009 if that isn’t too early.

I don’t know about you but I take comics seriously so no Deadpool foolishness for me.

Yeah I agree. Picked it up yesterday along with the other 2 Spidey movies in a Blu-Ray bundle since before I only had 1 and 2 on the PSP. This was my fifth time seeing Spidey 3 lol I was camped out at the IMAX theater like I did with all of the other Spidey movies. :rofl:

I noticed Flash Thompson’s name in the credits this time, didn’t know he attended te funeral at the end and it was the same actor who played him in part 1. Nice easter egg there! Listening to commentaries now, those are interesting. I still like 2 and 1 better but 3 is fun too. The bundle I got came with Spider-Man 2.1 also so gonna check that out soon.

Dont know if its beacuse of the hype i was in but Messiah comlex was freakin’ good

Yeah 2 hours before I pick up my funny books for the week. Thanks for the heads up! :tup: