Something I have always wondered about, what exactly is the definition of optimization when talking about this game?
I see the term thrown around liberally but what constitutes to if something is optimal or not?
Something I have always wondered about, what exactly is the definition of optimization when talking about this game?
I see the term thrown around liberally but what constitutes to if something is optimal or not?
Strictly speaking, it just means the same as it means in the general English language: “the best.” The most you can make of that situation. In less literal terms, when people talk about, like, “optimizing” combos, for instance, it’s usually implied that the general framework for the combo is more or less great, but there’s little bits and bobs you could fit in still that don’t change the meat of it. Like a combo involving normal-jump-height jump loops where you could maybe fit in an extra H or something at the end and it doesn’t change your juggle timing or anything, but adds a little more damage/meter gain. That’d be optimizing a combo. In terms of team composition, when people say “optimal” teams they mean a team for character X that is the best possible team for them, most effectively bolstering their strengths/minimizing their weaknesses to make them the best they can be.
What are box jumps? Are they just jumping, air dashing down forward with an attack?
That’s a tri-dash. Box jumps/dashes are air dashing forward, then attacking.
Any way to practice Tiger Knee-ing just by itself?
Pick a character with an air OK special. Tiger Knee away.
What are active frames? Is it the period of time when an attack will do damage?
Pretty much.
Are commentators talking about tech rolling when they say forward tech, neutral tech etc?
Pretty much, yeah. They might also be talking about air recovery, too.
Is there an “Adopt a Noob” thread anywhere around here? Just picked this game up for $5 bucks off the Xbox 360 Marketplace and I need some serious help working out the kinks. Doesn’t help that I play claw now on my FPS games either/ Haaaalp :c .
Try the newbie forum.
Hey I copy pasted some of this from a thread I made just now
I’m completely new to this game
I think my team is probably gonna be Vergil,Wesker/Zero,Spiderman
How do I start off? I’ve learned one BnB with Vergil which is LMH->Stinger->SHS->LMH (in air)->helm breaker->high time->trick->dimension slash
LMH (in air) helm breaker with MMH (in air)
You should almost never be using l in an air magic series.
Especially not with vergil.
A preferred order would be
Spiderman/Zero , Wesker, Vergil.
The last two are debatable but the Spiderman and Zero are definitely points.
Ah, I see
What about the other characters I mentioned, how do I start off learning to use them?
First, learn a combo. One that starts with a launcher and ends in a super. This is your preliminary BnB. A simple combo is best; you don’t want to spend too much time dwelling on combos without knowing enough about the game.
Next, play. Play with people around your skill level. Experiment with your characters’ moves and see what can be used to hit the opponent without getting yourself hit. Not every move is going to be useful; settle only for the safe ones (“safe” depends on the situation, but it basically means there’s a small chance of getting hit if you use the move). If you get hit while doing a move, remember what move you were doing and what move your opponent was doing, then learn from the situation. If you do hit the opponent, combo into launcher and do your BnB.
After you play a lot of matches, you’re gonna have some sort of idea how to use that character. Remember the moves that you frequently use to get the hit? Learn the optimized BnB followups to those, since chances are those moves are the ones that are gonna be hitting often.
Finally, read. There’s a lot of information here that can help you become better. It can be overwhelming if you don’t know what to look for, so make sure you actually play before you read so that you would know what you’re struggling with.
I’m struggling with learning Zero haha, what’s a good approach for him?
Note: i have read the whole srk marvel wiki and i play sf4 and sfxt so im not completely retarded but…
In marvel i feel completely dumb. i am going to watch a ton of footage obviously in the next couple days but as
I got it during the sale on the 23rd im obviously fresh. I have a couple questions as i learn this game and i have yet to go play yet so im a clean slate for tips…
how the hell do you play the neutral game in general this game is wacky compared to what im used to in SF4 or cross tekken. is there a marvel footsies guide? (i am aware it varies with characters)
Why should I learn mag/doom/sent instead of mag/doom/vergil (as a new player that wants to learn the game as a whole iv heard sent is a good learning tool but this is not my first fighter so im wondering if i should still stick with the advice or just learn vergil as the teams i am interested in are x/doom/vergil for the large majority). [keep in mind this isnt my first fihter but is sent that good in learning marvel?]
wtf is guard breaking. I dont get what the hell is going on when i read posts about it. something about reducing incoming throw invincibility + some other stuff?!?! Help me out if you can i just dont know how incoming mixups even work or guard breaks in general.
how do you defend TAC’s I hear stuff about spinning the stick? but then i hear about max TAC break attempts in so many frames so spinning shouldnt work the way i understand it. so can you spin or should you pick one direction
Did you read the thread AeonSphere?
Pick a character, learn how to move with the character.
Then learn the moveset and how to use them.
Then you go straight into combos.
Its bad to go into a match just pressing buttons online and shit. That’s a quick way to be blown up and discourage yourself from this game.
Neutral game in Marvel is basically movement. Either getting in or keeping them out. In SF4 and SFxT, players walk back and forth alot trying to make them whiff a button or catch them doing something stupid and punishable. Same thing pretty much in Marvel. There is alot of movement and projectiles, assist calls and buttons in general thrown out until someone can get some offense started.
There is no reason why you shouldn’t learn Mag/Doom/Vergil instead of Mag/Doom/Sentinel. Mag/Doom/Sentinel is a great Magneto team but Mag/Doom/Vergil is such a ridiculously good team in Marvel 3. If you wanna learn that, go ahead. Just as long as you learn to play the game properly in the end. The high level players will blow you up, even if your team is ridiculous, if you don’t know the game and how to play it.
I can’t explain a guard break in this game entirely, but I can tell you that a guard break is a throw you can’t tech due to the extra frames given on the pushblock. Magneto has hella good guardbreaks. So does Doom and Sentinel. Hell, even Vergil.
I actually think spinning the stick once is possible. I seen Winrich do it and I never seen him get TAC’ed in person. I pick one direction. Its a guess that can mean life or death of your character.
It’s amazing how helpful this is, when you read the entire thing.
Something I’ve been stuck on is plink dashing, which I thought was well explained. Is there anything to make it easier? Practiced for a while and still can’t get it down consistently. That frame difference is ridiculously hard to pull off - but I guess that’s what more practice is for.