You went over forward wave dashing. I think you should go over back wave dashing as well. It is a skill I rarely see people use in online fights.<br>
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/84823/Hunter21gryn">Hunter21gryn</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>You went over forward wave dashing. I think you should go over back wave dashing as well. It is a skill I rarely see people use in online fights.<br></div>
That’s because it’s hard to do compared to back plink dashing. Instead of having to do 4242424242+plus two buttons each time, you just hold 4 (back) and plink two/three buttons.
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/7798/Sleazoid">Sleazoid</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”><br><blockquote class=“Quote”><a href="/profile/17516/Cee%20Dizzy">Cee Dizzy</a> said:
<div class=“QuoteText”>To walk, you simply <span style=“background-color: rgb(255, 255, 102);”>hold forward and back on your controller of choice</span>.</div>
How do I hold forward and back at the same time halp pls</div>
purchase a hit-box. Hit forward and back at the same time.<div><br></div><div>BAM.</div>
Alright, back into it.
Misc. Stuff
Kubota Escape
This glitch was newly found this year in Japan and brought to America for people to take and use. Not sure who found it (Kubo, if there is such a player lol) but its a very powerful technique to punish raw supers. To do this glitch, during the start up animation for a super, you hold the tag button for your dead character, and after the start up of the super, you perform snapback with your other assist while you are holding tag for your dead character. What will happen is that the game will be tricked into thinking that the dead character you have isn’t really dead. So you will switch out a dead character, but then the game realizes it is dead, so it will switch your other character in that is alive. With this glitch, you can punish raw supers like dimensional slash and Maximum Wesker. Some supers will not be able to be punished, but you can avoid it out right with this glitch.
This glitch will not work with 0-1 frame supers and certain level 3s.
Guard Breaks
In this game, guard breaks aren’t what they were in the older days. In the old games, a guard break would force you to let go of your block. In this game, you just get grabbed for free. To perform a guard break, your opponent must push block. Once they push block that move, they are susceptible to a throw. This is best used in the air, because most characters in the game can get alot of damage from an airthrow.
This video shows some guard breaks that you can do. Credits go to EvilToasterofFP.
More to come.
@Cee Dizzy
You’re correct. He’s an X-23/Vergil/Dante player.
Where to go
2013 UMVC3 SRK Tier List/Theory Discussion Thread- This thread is the go to thread for people that want to discuss what characters are good and what characters are not good. Here is also a general discussion of what characters are optimized with who and the tech that is found. NOTE: People get easily offended here. If you have an opinion, please know that people will attack you for it.
UMVC3 Stream and Commentary Thread- This is the thread you go to when you want to talk about matches or streams with other fellow SRK member. Remember to check the most recent pages for the most recent streams.
Official and Only Team Building Thread- This is the thread you want to go to if you have a question on how to make a team or who goes well with who. If you are just starting off here and lost on who to play, make a visit here.
Community Team Tech Development- This is the thread for the more advanced player, or the player that just wants to explore as much as possible with this game. They give you a team and you attempt to make some tech with this team. Really good for community building and overall discovery with the game.
Hitstun deterioration- This is a good thread if you want to understand hitstun deterioration more. Make sure you read the whole first page.
Character Discussion- This link goes to the character forums of UMVC3. Go here if you want more detail about a character or want to see what combos the community came up with.
I feel like you need to put up a warning about this thread. “May lower IQ.” “Beware dumb posters.” Etc., etc.
I got a note there about how people get easily offended. Just edited it in. Thanks.

That’s not really a technical rule. What you’re trying to say is that you can’t call assists during a super jump. There’s no rule against calling assists at super jump height.
If you get hit and recover during a super jump…you then can call an assist.
There are characters like V.Joe, C.Viper, Chun Li and Dante (DT) that can reach super jump height without super jumping or using flight.
You can also call assist during super jump if you block. I use it against Strider teams a lot.
Also Spider-man’s DP is not invincible.
Hit bubble/box reference guide. Still missing about 10 characters.
For some reason it seems like they deleted the video previously made for Frank West.
The general rule with hit bubbles is that green is the area where you can be hit and red is the area where you can hit someone. In this game unlike other games, projectile hit bubbles also appear as red rather than in a different color to differentiate them as projectiles. Another rule to remember generally is that physical attacks usually tend to have hit bubbles that are bigger than the characters while projectiles (especially beams) tend to have smaller hit bubbles than the visual representation on screen.
Hey this is great!I’m new to Marvel so looking forward to learn more.thanks
Good job, this already helps a lot. I am bored by every other BeMu so I decided to play around a bit with UMvC.The load of information is so overwhelming that it’s nealy putting me off.
A good addition for new players here would be a few beginner team recommendations. Also, it would be great if the chars had a explanation which slot the idealy play in, e.g. point, anchor.
I thought i might start with Nova, Wolvie and ? Any ideas who I could play as a beginner? And what’s the best team order?
Nova and wolvie have no synergy together. Learned the hard way.
^^^ Wolverine/Nova isn’t awful. Lets say you get the DHC kill with Nova, you can do H Pulse, tag Wolverine back in and go for a mixup. Nova helps Wolverine more than Wolverine helps Nova for sure though. I definitely agree.
Doc Dignity, I will make a post regarding that very soon, but long story short, I think that some of the best teams to learn the game are Wesker/Magneto/Vergil, Magneto/Doom/Sentinel and Wolverine/Spencer/Doom. That’s just me though. I’ll explain later.
While I lack the forum skill that based Cee possesses, I can think of a few beginner team ideas:
-Points: Wesker, Wolverine, and Nova
-Seconds: Magneto, Doom, Spencer, Vergil, Dante, Sentinel
-Anchors: Amaterasu, Strider, VERGIL
Use this formula and you are very likely to get a good team.
^^^ There are a few characters on that I disagree on. But yeah pretty much.
If you are starting off the game super fresh to it, I suggest people to learn Wesker or Magneto or both.
Wesker in Marvel 3 is like Ryu in SF4. Solid, can do everything, teaches you fundamentals to many degrees, but hard to master due to the many dimensions of the game and the character. The only thing that Wesker can’t teach you to do is to move in the air via flight and airdashing.
Wesker has the tools to be a good character. He has a 4f low that is pretty far for a light move. He has a cr. M that is a low and an amazing whiff punish. st. H which is not only an excellent whiff punish but a solid anti-air and +1 on block. Fast teleports for mixups and getting away. Great ground dash, a 1f command grab, counters that can hurt your opponent alot if you read them correctly, and he has a gunshot that can cancel into teleport or THC.
He has alot going for him, but he has some weaknesses to his game. His air control isn’t very spectacular. He can control normal jump height but anything higher than that, he has trouble. He also has pretty average damage solo.
Anyway, he has alot of fucking tools. He’s good character to pick up to learn the game at a fundamental level. The only thing he’s missing is air movement outside of his teleport. This is why you should also pick a flight character to go along with Wesker. This is where Magneto comes in.
Magneto has every tool Wesker has except a teleport and a command grab. He has a 4f jab and low. cr. M which is good for whiff punishing. st. H which is a good and far anti-air. Great ground dash. But what Magneto has that makes him better than Wesker is that Magneto has a high low mixup with his tridashing. He can go high, low, or cross-up. He also has an air fireball that puts him at like +20 on block, which is more than most air attacks. Magneto has a flight mode to fly around with. I didn’t even list all of Magneto’s tools because he has alot.
If I were to pick a team for a beginner, it would be Wesker/Magneto/Vergil. It has everything a good team needs minus good air control with Wesker. It even has TAC infinites, and quite easy ones too lol. It has good damage for Wesker, a beam for mixups with Vergil and Wesker, and Vergil to stink it up with his greatness.
Just for correction, Wesker’s c.L is 5 frame start up. Morrigan and Captain America are examples of characters that have low hitting 4 framers. 5 frame is still good of course.
Isn’t Ammy’s 4 frames also?
EDIT: Just checked the guide and yes, it is.

Isn’t Ammy’s 4 frames also?
EDIT: Just checked the guide and yes, it is.
Yeah I thought about it and remembered there’s other characters. Zero is another I believe also. Ammy is the only character with a 3 frame normal other than Dark Phoenix I believe also.
I would say that team is better on every level with Strider instead of Vergil. Strider fixes Wesker’s air control problem and provides a great use for all the meter that Wesker/Magneto is going to build. Vajra may not give Magneto much in the way of combos and conversions, but Magneto does have good tridash mix-ups as you said, so being able to force your opponent to stay grounded is still useful for Magneto. I get that you are recommending anchor Vergil because he is really easy to use, but anchor Strider is still really easy and also introduces the concept of using assists to fix your neutral, which is essential to playing about 50-75% of the cast.