Marvel 101 (MvC2 ---> Newbies)

this still pretty accurate?

Pretty much. You can add Doom’s AAA into the top assists too.

Ironguy is right up there with cable now.

that third tier is kinda crap, its missing ruby heart,chun-li,psylocke,cammy and where the fuck is war machine?

that list isnt really on point anymore.

Should I just post this as a thread or leave it in here to get analyzed?
In this thread: people who want to help others can see it
In its own thread: more people can see it overall

Since the first time I’ve played this game I’ve rolled with Storm/Magneto/Cable because they’re my favorite characters. If you want to know why, I’ll tell you.

I’m not that great at fighting games and the only one I’m decent at is SFIII:3S with Q. I just play defensively and poke in when I can and go in for the kill after I’ve bulked up enough and know I can win. You can’t play characters like that in MVC2, it’s tremendously faster than SFIII:3S and I don’t want to rotate my characters to try and suit that play style. With MVC2 coming out for PSN/XBLA I feel like it’s time I gave this game the love it deserves.

The main problem is that over the years, I’ve come down withthis condition. As much as I love fighters and video games in general, I can’t play them or practice for extended periods of time that I once could when I was younger. It just hurts to hold a controller and play, but I can fight it off for a long time. I don’t want pity or sympathy, I need help in determining what’s imperative and most important for me to learn with Storm/Magneto/Cable. I want to see what you guys have in mind so that I’m not really wasting what time I have to play with menial things.
e.g. Setting up “combos” that end up being meaningless and can be easily avoided, et cetera.

Basically, what am I missing from my gameplay and how important/how should I rank it compared to something else?

I think I’m doing Tri Jump correctly, but other than that I have no idea what to do with Storm other than prance around enemies annoying them and dashing in and out for a hit.

Anything important that I’m missing?

I’ve always just sj and lk-mk spam a majority of the time. I probably set up DHC with him the most.
I’m attempting to learn his infinite, but I’m not dexterous enough…yet.

Anything important that I’m missing?

AHVB is definitely at the top of the list here.
I can pull it off most of the time, linking it is the hardest part.

Is there anything else I need to know?

Why is IM finally widely accepted as #5 now? I’m pretty sure this just happened after seasons beatings.

For years, there was debate over im, strider, and cyclops as number 5 (spiral somewhat too). I think you yourself and matrix were a big proponent of cyclops. There were a couple of west coast cats who’ve always said iron man was number 5, and the EC thought he was trash hence the term “ironguy”.

Is it all because of the Josh 360? The air to ground infinite was discovered a long time ago.

you’re right, it would be stupid to base if off 1 tournament, where you would really need a consistent placing of IM in big SB-size tourneys to raise him up (to get rid of any “randomness” arguments from 1 tourney)

perhaps it isn’t so much how well IM has been looking (which hasn’t been much) but more so how badly cable has been looking lately?

Not true at all. You just have to do it at a faster pace and learn the execution and danger zones to avoid.

You mentioned Mag/Storm/Cable

try zoning with Mag and Cable-aa until you feel comfy rushing for hits

not doing too well with mag? dhc in to storm and do it even more

need more meter for hail with storm? try cable/storm/mag but get your zoning with mag-a crispy…with no anti-air tho, u got your work cut out for u but it can be done

when u learn some ins and outs of typical character patterns, you might likely take your mag/storm to msp…or your cable to scrub or row…or your storm to santhrax

play the game. it’ll come to you. exp and an open mind is the key

Is there a list of character vitality ratings floating around? I googled and searched here but came up empty.

Wow a juggalo that plays MVC 2 haha what the fuck!!!

Since my name’s hitstun. . .sure, why not?

from the low tier thread - 1st post

Stamina Tiers: (originally posted by magnetic hail in srk, but he did not make this)

the life bar is 143 points longs. The average jab does about 4-5 damage, and the average fierce does about 12-16. Dan’s suicide move (Otoko Michi) takes off 100 points of damage. From highest to lowest, the stamina tiers run:

75%: (highest) Sentinel
81%: Colossus
87%: Blackheart, Hulk, Juggernaut, Zangief
93%: Captain America, Dr. Doom, Omega Red, Rogue*, Silver Samurai**,
Thanos, Tron Bonne
100% (average stamina) Amingo, Cable, Captain Commando, Charlie,
Cyclops, Gambit, Guile, Iron Man, Jin, M. Bison, Ruby Heart, Ryu,
Sakura, Venom, War Machine
106%: B.B. Hood, Chun-Li, Hayato, Jill, Ken, Magneto, Megaman,
Sabretooth, Spiral, Storm
112%: Cammy, Dan, Dhalsim, Felicia, Iceman, Pyslocke, Shuma Gorath
118%: Marrow, Morrigan, Sonson
125%: Anakaris, Spider-Man, Strider, Wolverine
137%: Akuma, Roll, Servbot, “Bone” Wolverine (aka Bonerine)

  • Rogue takes 46% damage upon receiving “Defense Up” from her Power Drain.

** Silver Samurai takes 117% damage if he uses his lightning power-up once or twice. Should he use his lightning power-up three times in a row, his stamina will return to 93%. Silver Samurai takes 46% damage if he uses his ice power-up once, twice, or three times in a row.Silver Samurai takes 140%! upon using his fire power-up once, 117% after using it twice in a row, and after using it three times in a row, his stamina returns to 93%.

dunno who originally wrote that but i found it lying on my pc, i think from some site…

I dont think its widely accepted.

although that changes usually after people play josh.

his combo potential and priority being fully utilitized has made an impact on peoples opinions.

I asked sanford and yipes both at sb3 what was good with ironman and they both tell me #3

i look at em stunned and they say, can sentinel kill you with one touch anywhere?

It depends on who you ask.


whatabout ironman assist?

oopps forgot about that one.:sweat:

well I stopped playing marvel about last year and i forgot how to rom heres my problem.The most i can get is 23 hits.I don’t have a problem keeping them up in the air if they get too low,but if they get too high i don’t know how to get them lower without resetting the rom.Help.

control the timing on the downwards double lk.

the last lk before you touch the ground yourself controls where they go.

or maybe you hit the double downwards lk too soon after the upward hits.

who’s number 1 and 2? not sentinel?

thanks Augmint. Didn’t think about using stamina in lieu of vitality.


The faster you do the set of the two shorts, the higher your opponent rises.

The slower you do the set of the two shorts, the lower your opponent falls.

reply 500 yay.

another colossus magneto mishap lol. froze my game.