120 Market St
Clifton, NJ 07012
(973) 777-3675
Saturday March 10th 2012
1PM-4PM Casuals running until store closes
Venue Fee=$5
Bring a full setup (TV + CONSOLE + GAME) and you will be waived the full venue fee.
Entry Fee=$5
BYOC (BRING YOUR OWN CONTROLLER!) The tournament organizers will have loaner PS3 pads and sticks on hand but do not rely on them!
Main Game
Street Fighter X Tekken
Sets will be 2/3 matches
LF, WF and GF are 3/5 matches with the guy coming out of losers in GF having to win 2 sets
Loser can switch their team
Winner must keep the same team in the same order
Prize distribution: 70-20-10
Side Games
Side tournaments in other games will be run if we get enough confirmed participants.
Setups will be available for casual play.
The 192 nj transit bus brings you one block away from the store from port authority.
It’s around 9 or 10 bucks round trip from nyc.
Store is conveniently located next to a sushi place, chocolate shop, pizzeria, exotic ice-cream shop, quick-check, bagel shop, bakery, small food market, cafe, and liquor store.
Check out the event’s facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/events/125212157600498/
More information coming soon.